Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2022


Stakeholder Participation; Agriculture Governance; Farm Income Stabilization Insurance; Assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles


Involving stakeholders in program decision-making can support existing programs and reduce tensions against the state. However, to be involved, stake­holders may request specific mechanisms to influ­ence program design or outcomes. This paper ana­lyzes the design of four consultation mechanisms and the resultant stakeholder experiences in a pro­vincial Canadian program called Farm Income Stabilization Insurance (FISI). The program offers a protection against low prices. The findings of this paper are based on 18 semi-structured interviews conducted with current and former participants familiar with the mechanisms. An analysis is accomplished through Arnstein’s ladder of citizen participation and Glasser’s choice theory. Results show that stakeholder representation can be im­proved by adequately designing consultation mech­anisms and implementing specific actions. Recom­mended practices include separating political and technical discussions, asking a third party to take charge of the consultation mechanisms and prepare information, formally laying down recurrent mech­anisms, and involving high-ranking individuals in the discussions.

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