Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science Education

Degree Level



Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders


Hunter, Amy M.

Committee Member/Reader

Hagstrom, Fran

Committee Member/Second Reader

Aslin, Larry


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the chemotherapy drug Cisplatin causes hearing loss significant enough to affect attention. Three groups of participants, all of which will have taken the drug Cisplatin, was sought to participate in this study. Fifteen was elementary, fifteen middle schools aged, and fifteen high school aged. There will be no control for sex or ethnicity. A questionnaire survey will be used to collect the data. The survey was made available through pencil and paper and/or online. Physicians who work with this clinical population was asked to make the survey available to the patients and their family. In addition, the survey was made available through cancer support group links. Analysis was performed in a descriptive manner.
