Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Degree Level



Supply Chain Management


Van Hoek, Remko


This literature review examines the relationship between procurement practices and the utilization of forced labor. As businesses strive to reduce expenses, one of the most significant areas of expenditure is labor. In forced labor, individuals are exploited and coerced into doing jobs or providing services for which they have not voluntarily undertaken. Globally, there are millions trapped in forced labor who are tied to their positions through debt bondage, threats, or fraud. Analysis of the determinants of forced labor, as well as possible techniques for mitigating it, will aid in the battle to end forced labor. A variety of literature sources about forced labor and supply chain management were used in the analysis. This paper discusses the roots of forced labor, supply chain practices and forced labor usage, and the future of forced labor. Within the roots of forced labor, the supply and demand drivers of forced labor are reviewed, as well as its political and institutional reinforcements. Supply chain management practices can be viewed in terms of forced labor mitigation with an understanding of product and labor supply chains, supplier-buyer power dynamics, strategic sourcing strategies, and supplier relationship management. In the future of combatting forced labor in supply chains, there should be a focus on establishing strong reporting standards, government intervention, and consumer awareness. As the structures that facilitate forced labor usage are recognized, they can be broken down to give exploited individuals freedom. As the effort to eradicate forced labor becomes globally united, the structures that facilitate its use can be broken down to give exploited individuals freedom.


Procurement, Forced Labor, Supply Chain, Sourcing, Modern Slavery
