Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Architecture
Degree Level
Matthews, Carl W.
Committee Member
Lee, Jisun
Second Committee Member
Calleja, Paul
The goal of the capstone was to redesign Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (from here on out referred to as the H.P.E.R.) building on the University of Arkansas Campus to make the space more friendly to new users. This redesign consisted of a reworked site plan for the overall building and some significant shifts in the program to accommodate more gym space. The redesign work was based on the following: prior academic research regarding what causes intimidation in gym settings, student opinions shared via questionnaires, spatial/ programmatic standards from the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association, a photographic journal documenting the existing space, and finally my instincts as a designer and the feedback and commentary from my capstone committee. The final gym design aims to be more friendly and welcoming to new fitness users and is sized more appropriately for a student body of 30,000 students.
Fitness; Intimidation; Architecture; Interior Design; Gym; Adaptive Reuse
Tack, W. (2022). Fitness Anxiety: Redesigning the University of Arkansas’ Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building to Reduce Intimidation in the Fitness Centers. Architecture Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from