Date of Graduation


Document Type

UAF Access Only - Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering

Degree Level



Biological and Agricultural Engineering


Haggard, Brian E

Committee Member

Costello, Thomas A.

Second Committee Member

Le, Kieu


A method for analyzing urban heat islands (UHIs) in Fayetteville, Arkansas is presented and examined in this thesis. Temperature sensors were calibrated to a standard thermometer. Then, weather stations containing anemometers, pyranometers, and the temperature sensors were deployed in three Fayetteville locations of various percent impervious coverage. Temperature data was recorded from 11/12/2020 through 01/10/2021, with data collected over 10-second intervals every 10 minutes. In this analysis, average daily diurnal temperature means were the best supporting evidence for temperature differences in Fayetteville in winter months, but these differences did not correspond to percent imperviousness as expected. Thus, UHIs may not be prevalent in Fayetteville in the late fall and early winter months. Temperature differences during peak temperature periods signal that UHIs could be more defined in summer months. Average daily temperature minimums and average daily nocturnal temperature means saw less correlation between sites compared to average daily temperature maximums and average daily diurnal temperature means, showing that temperature trends were less consistent at lower temperatures. The urban station (240 N Block Ave., 73% Imp.) generally recorded the smallest temperature range, indicating that factors such as winds or impervious surfaces might influence temperatures at this location. Furthermore, the suburban location (754 S Royal Oaks Parkway, 30% Imp.) experienced temperature differences that might be attributed to trees, shrubbery, and a stream at the location. Several improvements to the analysis method are suggested, including measuring UHIs in summer months, placing weather stations at additional locations with a various range of percent imperviousness and vegetation cover, increasing the number and range of temperature values in the thermometer calibration regression equation, and analyzing additional weather variables. Overall, this research is important in collecting the data necessary for urban planners and cities to develop UHI mitigation strategies, which can offer environmental, social, and economic benefits.


Climate; Urbanization; Temperature; Cities; Weather
