Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Education
Degree Level
Curriculum and Instruction
Vinson, Carter
Committee Member
Owen, Donna
Elementary teachers around the U.S. struggle with teaching engineering for two main reasons: feeling uncomfortable with the content and budgeting enough time for STEM without taking time away from other subject material (Lopez & Gregory, 2015). This has caused an emphasis on generic reading and writing skills rather than discipline-specific literacy skills (Lopez & Gregory, 2015) in elementary classrooms. The purpose of this project was to develop a children’s book that included discipline-specific literacy skills and integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content. The children’s book uses a relatable main character that goes through the engineering design process to solve an authentic problem. The completed book demonstrates to students how to become problem solvers while also enhancing their literacy skills. This children’s book was created using language and concepts relatable to kindergarten, first grade, and second (K-2) grade students. The standards addressed in this book are included for each grade level. The book also includes a teacher guide with enrichment activities including recommendations for a field trip and social studies integration. Teacher interviews were conducted to inform the development of the book. These interviews impacted the book (see Appendix A, p. 17) because the feedback provided by the teachers included the importance of a relatable character, problem, and experience. After the book was written, teacher reviews were conducted. The reviews by teachers revealed that Sarah Sunflower, the main character of the story, was a relatable character to K-2 students and the teacher guide includes helpful STEM activities related to the identified content standards.
STEM and Literacy; Students as Engineers; Story Elements and Teacher Guide
Ray, R. (2023). Integrated STEM and Literacy. Curriculum and Instruction Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from