Founded in 2023, the Department of Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods emerged from the Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders, inheriting a legacy of academic excellence and service.

This page collects the digitized full text Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations of the Department of Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. For works prior to 2023, please look at the works under Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders.

The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:

Category print online
Dissertations 1953-2006 in MAIN

1950s-2012 in Special Collections
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

1950s - present indexed in ProQuest
Master's theses 1910s-2006 in MAIN

1910s-2012 in Special Collections
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006.


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Understanding Support for Former Foster Youth: Independent Living Coordinators Perspectives on Resiliency for Foster Youth in Higher Education, Aaron Abbott


Career Skills Congruence: Transferring Military Talent to the Civilian Job Market: A Preregistered Study, Anna M. Amos


Examining the Relationship Between Mobile Phone Utilization on Self-Directed Online Professional Development Among Early Childhood Practitioners: A Preregistered Study, Jennifer Bowman


Online Self-Directed Learning About COVID by Custodial Fathers in the U.S., Susan Bradley


Examining Eight-Year Bachelor’s Degree Completion Rates for U.S. Institutions Offering Competency-Based Education and Comparable Traditional Institutions, Gray Carpenter Church


Organization of Change: The Journey from Probation to a Successful Accreditation Review, Erin Dail


Exploring the Impact of Generative AI Prompt Engineering in Higher Education: A Study in Undergraduate and Graduate Business Analytics Courses, Jana Gastineau


Working Alongside People with Disabilities: Their Impact and Value, Alice A. Jensen


Intersectionality and Career Persistence of African American Women in Cybersecurity Careers: A Narrative Inquiry, Monica Marquita Jones Prewitt


Investigating the Perceived Invisibility of the Black Woman Leader in Fortune 500 Companies: Understanding Career Pathways Based on Insight and Intersectionality, Shana Jones Yarberry


Effects of Measurement Error in Student Pre-Post Test Score on the Recovery of the Estimates of Teachers Value-Added Scores, Merlin J. Kamgue


Instrument Not Ornament: Exploring Women’s Experiences of Body Objectification and Belonging to an All-Women’s Mountain Biking Group in the Ozarks, Katherine Ketchum


Co-Creating a Process of Tacit Knowledge Seeking Using Appreciative Inquiry: An Exploratory Case Study, Kristina Lewis


Employee Development and Employee Resilience in the Post-Covid-19 Workplace: A Quantitative Study of High School Educators, Amy Keiser Maffei


Guided Pathways: How Early Major Declaration Impacts Student Graduation Rates, Christopher Ray McBeath


Parallel Degree Planning in the Pursuit of Academic Success for Pre-Nursing Students in a Competitive Entry Baccalaureate Nursing Programs, Elizabeth L. McKinley


Exploring Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy in the Lived Experiences of African-American Male Former Division I Basketball Players: A Phenomenological Study, James Jameel Pugh


Emotional Intelligence and Self-Direction Orientation: An Examination of Non-Academic Factors in Post-Pandemic Community College Students in Kansas and Missouri, Ashley Rader


Play Therapists Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills in Identifying Disordered Eating in Children and Adolescents., Hailey Thomas


Time to Complete an Associate Degree: A Comparison of Nontraditional GED Graduates and Traditional High School Graduates (A Preregistered Study), Becky Warren


ᏍᏈᏍᏙᏍᏓᎢ ᎤᏰᎧᎢ ᏒᎩ ᎢᎾᎨ ᎡᎯ: Reclamation Stories of Indigenous Graduate Students at a Native American Serving NonTribal Institution, Sky Wildcat

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


A Study of Latino Undergraduate Students in Retention Cohorts at the University of Arkansas, Ramon Balderas


The Intersection of Employee Engagement and Employee Health: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Use of Engagement Tactics in Improving the Health of a Workforce, Andrew Buffenbarger


The Alumni Base Holds The Institution In Their Heart: Alumni Decision Making And Communication Strategies During University Leadership Change, Brandy Cox Jackson


Exploring Success Factors of Women Senior Leaders in the United States Paper Manufacturing Operations Industry: A Phenomenological Study, Ericka Eggleston


Examining the Relationship Between Student Age and Modality Choice in a Community College’s New Student Orientation Program: A Preregistered Study to Examine the Assumption of Self-Directed Learning, Amy L. Foree


Her Story told Her Way: A Narrative Inquiry into Black Women’s Perception of the Strong Black Woman., Chulyndria Chanee Laye


From the Arab World to the United States of America: The Wellness of Arab Graduate Women Studying in the U.S., Mariam Mostafa


A Generic Qualitative Inquiry of the Challenges for Black African American Men who have Experienced Trauma, Randall Lee Maurice Shakir


Examining the Effects of Mental Health Barriers on Black Undergraduate Students Attending Predominantly White Institutions, Patrice N. Storey