The purpose of these lesson plans is to introduce students to traffic signalization basics. Students will be lead through a series of mini-lectures on traffic control and signalization including a discussion on the limitations and benefits of traffic signalization. The lesson plans compliment a computer simulation “game” in which students act as manual operators for a single up to four by four gridded intersection. Students attempt to control the progression of signals to understand the relationship between signal timing and user delay. Through experimentation with the simulation, students generate a presentation discussing the benefits and drawbacks of signal timing and graph the relationship between signal cycle length and driver delay. The lesson plan concludes with each student group giving a presentation on their experimental findings. This set of lesson plans includes the lecture PowerPoint slides with scripted comments and the simulation game files.
Publication Date
9th-12th grades
Document Type
Lesson Plan
Outreach Activity
STEM Girls Day
Signalization, Highway traffic control, Traffic signal timing, Stopped time delays, Traffic simulation, Education and training methods
Civil Engineering | Hardware Systems | Other Electrical and Computer Engineering | Transportation Engineering | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Hernandez, S. V., Diaz-Corro, K., Akter, T., Asborno, M., & Durandal, F. (2017). Transportation Engineering: Traffic Control Simulator. Civil Engineering Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from
![Transportation Engineering: Traffic Control Simulator](
Included in
Civil Engineering Commons, Hardware Systems Commons, Other Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons, Transportation Engineering Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons
Please find the University of Minnesota's Street Simulator Tool. These materials were prepared using this tool.