Looking for Theses and Dissertations?
Many theses and dissertations are now housed within ScholarWorks. Check here first for materials from approximately 2012 to present, though some materials may date back to 2009.
Otherwise, master's theses and doctoral dissertations can be found by searching OneSearch (the libraries' catalog) for author, title, or subject by clicking the box underneath the OneSearch search box on the Libraries' homepage before you search, or by clicking the filter Material Type: Dissertations in the left hand column on the OneSearch search results page after you search.
You can also search by department or faculty advisor in the keyword search; examples:
- advisor gawley robert and synthesis
- dept physics and lasers
Note that recently completed dissertations and theses first go to ProQuest. It may take several weeks for dissertations and theses to be added to ScholarWorks and even longer for their addition to the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Selection of Drought-Tolerant Soybean Lines Using a Field Screening Method and Identification of QTLs for Slow Wilting and Nitrogen Fixation Associated With Drought-Tolerance, Mirta Beatriz Dalzotto
Young Adult E-Cigarette Exposure: Implications for Policy and Prevention, Monica Page Daniel Dobbs
Validation of N-STaR Nitrogen Rate Recommendations and Evaluation of N-STaR Soil Sampling Procedures for Clay Soils in Arkansas, Jarom Thane Davidson
Development of the MASW Method for Pavement Evaluation, Benjamin J. Davis
It's Not the Load That Breaks You Down, It's the Way You Carry It: An Examination of the Relationship between Negative Identity and Consumer Behavior, Cassandra Denise Davis
A Content Analysis of Advertising on Children’s Television Networks, Demarius Davis
Effects of Fermentation by Yeast and Amylolytic Lactic Acid Bacteria on Grain Sorghum Protein Content and Digestibility, Christina Day
From Duke to D: The Range of an Actor in Classical and Contemporary Characters, Damian Oscar Dena
Conformally Invariant Operators in Higher Spin Spaces, Chao Ding
Does Assurance Matter? Evidence from U.S. Financial Institutions, Ashley Warwick Douglass
Korngold's Leading Ladies: A Comparative Study of Female Characters in the Operas of Erich Wolfgang Korngold from 1915 to 1927, Brandon Larry Dow
tableau vivant [living picture], G J Christopher Drobnock
The Effects of Brief, Passive Psychoeducation on Suicide Literacy, Stigma, and Attitudes Toward Help-Seeking Among Latino Immigrants Living in the United States, Aubrey Renee Dueweke
The Grey Men of Empire: Framing Britain's Official Mind, 1854-1934, Blake Allen Duffield
Shared Perspectives of Divided Space: Perceptions of the Urban Environment among Jerusalemites, Andie Duplantis
Mechanism of Rapid Electron Transfer Reactions involving Cytochrome bc1, Cytochrome c and Cytochrome Oxidase, Jeremy Erik Durchman
On Compactness and Closed-Rangeness of Composition Operators, Arnab Dutta
Emotional Intelligence and Substance Abuse in College Students, Rachel Eikenberry
Statistical Modeling of the Temporal Dynamics in a Large Scale-Citation Network, Luis Javier Ek Jr.
“Between the Yes and the No”: Alternative Ontologies and Literary Depictions of Mysticism in Borges and Mahfouz, David Shane Elder
Examination of Pseudomonas fluorescence as a Recombinant Expression Host: Cloning, Expression, and Chromatography, Ahmed K.Ali Elmasheiti
The Influence of Strength-Training Exercises on the Functional Fitness in Older Adults, Susie Engle
Recognition Training for Faces Across Age Gaps, William Blake Erickson
The Impact of Crop Insurance on Indonesian Rice Production, Zaura Fadhliani
Characteristics of Lifelong Musicians, Austin Lamon Farnam
[Re]Visiting the Rime: A Case Study of Adaptation as Process and Product with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Sally Ferguson
Leveling the Playing Field: Teacher Perception of Integrated STEM, Engineering, and Engineering Practices, Bridgette Fincher
Integrative taxonomy of North American torrent mites (Parasitengona: Torrenticolidae: Torrenticola), Jon Ray Fisher
Heat Stress Effects on Cotton During Reproductive Development and Subsequent Acclimation Responses, Toby Ryan Fitzsimons
Trade and Transport in Late Roman Syria, Christopher Wade Fletcher
Efficacy of a Novel Intranasal Zinc Solution on the Microbiome, Health, and Growth Performance of High-risk, Newly Received Stocker Cattle, Makenzie Foster
Dandy as Disease: Gender Hygiene and British Nineteenth-century Literature, Sharon Louise Fox
Safety Performance Prediction of Large-Truck Drivers in the Transportation Industry, Emily Moneka Francis Xavier
A Study of Short-Season Winter Cover Crops for Organic High Tunnel Production Systems, Luke Riley Freeman
Beer for Brohood: A Laboratory Simulation of Masculinity Confirmation through Alcohol Use Behaviors in Men, Jessica Lauren Fugitt
An Investigation of Short-Term Plasticity in Human Motor Cortex, Matthew Alan Gannon
Isotopic Identification of Multiple Contributors of Metal Ions in Mississippi Valley-Type Ore Deposits Along the Cincinnati Arch in South-Central Kentucky, William Travis Garmon
Eucalyptus in Kenya; Impacts on Environment and Society, Brandy M. Garrett Kluthe
Growth and Productivity of Irrigated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) for a Tropical High Altitude Environment in Rwanda, Elie Rene Gasore
An Inquiry into the Distinction between Belief and Imagination, Maxwell M. Gatyas
Si-based Germanium-Tin (GeSn) Emitters for Short-Wave Infrared Optoelectronics, Seyed Amir Ghetmiri
Asbestos Cement Pipe Condition Assessment and Remaining Service Life Prediction, Abiy Melles Ghirmay
Study of Plasmonic Properties of the Gold Nanorods in the Visible to Near Infrared Light Regime, Pijush Kanti Ghosh
Increasing Superintendent Longevity in Kansas, Cory Lee Gibson
Chlorine Demand Shows Thresholds and Hierarchy with Source Water Quality at Beaver Lake, Arkansas, Jaime M. Gile
Ironman: The Gordon Haller Story, Jacqueline Marie Antoinette Grajeda
A Gentleman's Burden: Difference and the Development of British Education at Home and in the Empire During the Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Centuries, Jeffrey Willis Grooms
Analysis of Break-Points in Financial Time Series, Jean Remy Habimana