Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Level
Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Ganio, Matthew S.
Committee Member
Fort, Inza L.
Second Committee Member
Kavouras, Stavros
Despite the necessity of euhydration, an optimal, user-friendly, accurate hydration assessment technique fails to exist for the general population. The primary reason for this study is to validate a new hydration assessment technique, which utilizes no equipment or technical expertise to administer. We hypothesize that the number of urine voids over 24-hrs will correlate to hydration status. We used an observational research design in the field, recruiting fifty healthy individuals (n=24 females) 18-39 years old from the Northwest Arkansas area. Age 22±4 years, body mass 75.01±17 kg, height 168.6±22.6 cm, body fat 20.4±9 %. Individuals abstained from caffeine and alcohol during the experiment. Participants were educated on how to record diet, fluid intake, and void output measurements. For 24-hours participants voided at a normal urge (Athwal et al., 2001) into a standard medical-grade container. Fluid and food intake were ad libitum and recorded. Volume, time, and urge of each void were measured. Total 24-hr urine volume, osmolality, specific gravity (USG), and color were also measured. Subjects were classified as euhydrated (USG<1.021) or hypohydrated (USG≥1.021). As hypothesized, void number correlated to hydration status as identified by USG (r=0.375, P < 0001), and osmolality (r=0.383, P < 0.001). Euhydrated (n = 41) versus dehydrated (n = 6) individuals had more voids (6 ± 2 versus 4 ± 1, respectively, P = 0.027), greater 24-hr urine volume (2007 ± 863 versus 1193 ± 434 ml, P < 0.001), lower urine color (2 ± 1 versus 4 ± 1, P < 0.001), lower USG (1.012 ± 0.004 versus 1.023 ± 0.003, P < 0.001), and lower osmolality (431 ± 143 versus 841 ± 137 mOsm/kgH20, P < 0.001). This research shows that void number positively increases with 24-hour void volume and other makers of hydration status. This indicates that individuals with higher void numbers are more hydrated than those with lower void numbers. Using void number as a hydration biomarker could be an optimal hydration biomarker for the general public, considering it is as simple as counting void numbers over a 24-hr periods. Future studies should investigate individuals with greater differences in hydration status. In addition, this study observed a wide range of individuals; more specific samples sizes (e. g. gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) could show that the number of voids indicating euhydration depends on the population.
Burchfield. J. (2015). Hydration biomarkers: Creating a user-friendly hydration assessment technique. Health, Human Performance and Recreation Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from