Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2012 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2024
Lack of Access to Healthcare and Neurology within East Texas, Ashton Arlen
Pain Management in Individuals with Flat Feet Using the FootCore MAX, Avery G. Dilley
Social Influences on Quitting E-Cigarette Use: A Mixed Method Analysis, Olivia Peterson and Page Dobbs
Examining Young Adult E-Cigarette Users by Device Type: A Latent Class Analysis, Mufazzela Tabassum
Theses from 2023
Isomorphic Trends in State NIL Laws, Andrew Godfrey
Obstacle Crossing in Healthy Young and Older Individuals, Hope M. Hanson, Ashlyn M. Jendro, and Abigail C. Schmitt
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts among Healthcare Providers and Systems in the United States, Peyton Jobe
A Review of Adolescent Resiliency and its Impact on Sexual Health Information and Behavior, Elizabeth Krusing
The Role of Event Operations in Collegiate Athletics: A Reflection of My Internship with University of Arkansas Event Management, Cameron Terrell
Theses from 2022
The Role of Dynamic Gaze Fixations in Human Postural Control, Grace Balsam
Transmission Risk of Malaria via Gas Flares in Africa, Elle Blake
Social Determinants Associated with Prenatal Visits at a Community Health Center, Savannah Busch
Identification of Individual and Regional Features Impacting HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Sentiment, Stetson Ledbetter
The Effects of Water with Anti-Inflammatory Capabilities (WAC) on Circulating Inflammatory Biomarkers at Rest and Following Resistance Exercise, Brittany Martin
The effects of inositol-stabilized arginine silicate (ASI; Nitrosigine) on cognitive function in females with different activity levels, Sarah Jane Moore
The Need for Specialized Substance Abuse Treatment for Gay Men in the United States, Sarah Nance
Reflections on North Texas Pediatric Internship, Megan Popple
COVID-19: Effect on the Well-being of the United States, Jacob Reitnauer
Determining the Protocol and Testing Feasibility and Intensity of the Burn2Learn interventions and measures in college students, Sarah Schwarz
Effects of Recess on Educational Outcomes in Elementary School Children, Katelyn Whitham
Theses from 2021
HPV Vaccine Hesitancy, Ellen Fountain
Arkansas School Nurses’ Opinions on How an Increase in Recess Time Has Affected Recess-Related Injuries, Delaney Henderson
U.S. Military Veterans’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Mental Healthcare, Bridget Milam Wells
An Exploration of Effective Patient Education with an Emphasis on Concussion, Kayla M. Ruopp
Relationship between global cognition and cardiovascular risk factors, Alexia Sebghati
Theses from 2020
Validity and Reliability of Temperature Sensing Devices During and Following Exercise in the Heat, Olivia Covin
Effects of Asthma on Lung Function, Aerobic Fitness, and Physical Activity Levels in Young Adults, Trey Deal
El Baloncesto es Vida: A Look into Strength and Conditioning, Physical Therapy, and Coaching During My Internship Abroad, Jessica Doublesin
The Relationship Between Glucose Levels and Physical Activity, Rebecca Eberle
Ensemble Learning with Recursive Partitioning Methods to Explore Relationships between Mental Health and Physical Activity, Jessica Gilmore
An Analysis of Perception vs. Reality in Physical Fitness and the Effect of Fitness Testing on Physical Activity in College Students, Sarah Schwartz
Theses from 2019
Does macronutrient consumption affect aerobic capacity?, Jordan Bush-Means
Why Intercollegiate Athletic Departments Should Embrace Alcohol Sales, Garrett J. Clark
A Qualitative Analysis of Men’s Intended Bystander Behaviors in Response to a Sexual Assault Vignette, Evelyn Day
Sex-hormone fluctuations and their effects on sexual function in IUS users, Kaley Ferguson
Determining the prevalence of injuries, musculoskeletal symptoms, and stressors in athletic training students, Brett Frazier
The Effects of Men's Lacrosse Protective Equipment on Thermoregulation and Perceptions During Exercise Heat Stress, Amanda Glasgow
The Effects of Men's Lacrosse Protective Equipment on Thermoregulation and Perceptions During Exercise Heat Stress, Amanda Glasgow
Determining Whether a Spot Urine Sample is an Accurate Indication of a Person's Hydration Status, Hannah Glidewell
Association of dietary behaviors, macro-nutrients and energy intake with body fat percentage, lean mass, and bone mineral density., Makayla Goggins
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction with Traditional Docking Compared to Novel Surgical Techniques, Kayley D. Guy, Brendon P. McDermott, Kaitlin Gallagher, and Tyrone Washington
Fitness vs Fatness and Cardiovascular Health in Adolescents, Ashley E. Hensley
The Effects of a Dementia Simulation Experience on Attitudes Towards People with Dementia, Micah Huckabee
The Effects of VML on Satellite Cell Mechanics Distal to the Defect Site, Jessica Lee
Consent and Contraceptives: An Investigation of Dyadic Processes within Sexual Relationships, Kelli N. Murray
Implications of Running Shoe Degradation on Overuse Injury Incidence in NCAA Division 1 Female Distance Runners, Rachel Nichwitz
The Influence of Interpersonal Dyadic Differences on Condom Use among Men Who Have Sex with Men, Andrew M. O'Neil
Effect of Localized Heating on Vascular Dysfunction, Garrett A. Pierce
The Acute Effects of Citrulline Malate and Bonded Arginine Silicate Supplementation on Vasodilation of Young Adults, Jeffrey Rogers
The Impact of Parenting Style on Emerging Adult Sexual Behavior, Xavier Smith
Effect of Long-Duration Standing and Sitting On Vascular Function, Zackary Vaughan
Theses from 2018
The Effect of an Aging Suit on Young and Middle-Aged Adults’ Attitudes Toward Older Adults, Kelly Allen
Does Hydration Impact Memory: A Systematic Review, Kelsey Ellis-Lepard
The Effects of Mild Dehydration on Cycling Performance in the Heat, Elika Hamer
The Effects of Habitual Protein Consumption on Vasodilation in Young Adults, Natalie O'Neal and Jordan Rezac
UAMS Summer Health Literacy Study, Merritt Osment
Changes in Hepatic Extracellular Matrix During the Development of Cancer-Cachexia in Mice, Kyle Turner
Theses from 2017
Exercise, Cognition, and the Aging Process among Active, Competitive, and Sedentary Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Katherine Adams
Effect of Physical Fatigue on the King-Devick Concussion Assessment, Audrey Bauer
Effect of Urinary Urge on Using Urinary Frequency as an Indicator of Hydration Status, Mackenzie Cale
The relationship between habitual dietary protein intake and dual task performance in sedentary, recreationally active, and masters athlete older adults, Whitney L. Freeman
Validity of 24-h Void Duration as an Indicator of Hydration Status, Miriah C. Hadley
Muscle Oxidative Phenotype in the Progression of Cancer-Cachexia, Haley N. McCarver
Hydration Biomarkers and Water Intake in 3-13 year-old boys, Zoe P. McKinney
Hydration markers and water intake in 3 to 13 year-old girls, Cody Shopper
The Contribution of Solid Food on Total Water Intake in 3-13 y Children, Audrey Caroline Smith
The Influence of Walking Speed on Hip Muscle Activity and Lumbopelvic Movement, Kate Tarver
The Acute Effects of caffeine and L-theanine on Cognition in Older Adults, Lauren Tilley
Validity of Daytime Urinary Frequency as a Tool for Assessing Hydration, Monica Ziebart
Theses from 2016
The Relationship Between Qualitative and Quantitative Pain Descriptors of Prolonged Standing Induced Low Back Pain, Laura Abbott
Independent Effect of Heat Stress During Exercise on Arterial Stiffness, Cash Arcement
The Effects of L-Theanine Supplementation on Cognition in Older Adults, Jessica M. Bell
Risk Factors Involved in Cheerleading Injuries, Kelsey DeFreece
Development of a semi-interpenetrating network hydrogel to study the effects of mild traumatic brain injury on astrocyte remodeling, Amanda Ederle
The Comparison of Dual-Tasking and Functional Fitness in Older Females, Anna Engler
Examining College Student Athlete Attitudes Towards Concussion Testing and Reporting Concussions, Kaitlyn Fry
Examining Different Exercise Types on Falls Efficacy in Older Adults, Hadley Lewis
Short-Term Progression of Functional Capabilities and Pain Levels Following Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation, Dalton Main
Improving Access to Care for Arkansas Youth Athletes with Sport-Related Concussion: Establishing “Teleconcussion” in Arkansas, Kristin Maxey
Determining the Appropriate Timing of Administration for Baseline Computerized Neurocognitive Testing (CNT) Following Maximal Exertion, Samantha Mohler
The Impact of Education on Fear of Falling in Elderly Women, Whitney R. Muller
The influence of anti-fatigue matting on gluteus medius muscle activity during functional reaches, Marcus Payne
The Effect of Thirst and Pharyngeal Stimulation on Exercise Performance, Jordan E. Smith
Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity on Extracellular Matrix Remodeling During Skeletal Muscle Regeneration, Michelle A. Tedrowe
Levels of Confidence In Schmieding Center In-Home Caregiving Training, Morena L. Valdizon
The Ergogenic Effects of Acute Citrulline Malate Supplementation on Weightlifting Performance in Trained Females, Lauren Nicole Wethington
Theses from 2015
Describing the Prevalence and Awareness of Sport-Related Concussion in University Intramural and Club Sport Participants, Makenzie L. Brown
Hydration biomarkers: Creating a user-friendly hydration assessment technique, Jenna Burchfield
Complexity of People's Attitudes Towards Abortion, Lindsey K. Butler
Effects of Heat Stress on Arterial Compliance in Smokers: A Pilot Study, Erin Dougherty
Synthesis of Medicinally Relevant Thiazolyl Aryl Ketones Under Mild Conditions, Danielle M. Gardner
Examining the relationship between neurocognitive performance and functional fitness levels among older adults, Kristen J. Holmes
Validation of the Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer as a method to assess muscular power, Emily Janssen
Assessment of stabilization and muscle recruitment in amputees following sit-to-stand transfer, Elizabeth Terran Jones
Comparing Before-and After-School Neurocognitive Performance in High School Athletes: Implications for Concussion Management, Anderson Morgan
The relationship between muscular strength and cognition in older adults, Ashton R. Pohlman