Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science Education

Degree Level



Health, Human Performance and Recreation


Ganio, Matthew S.

Committee Member

Kavouras, Stavros

Second Committee Member

Fort, Inza L.


Context: There is an inverse relationship between baseline arterial stiffness and the change in arterial stiffness with passive heating. However, it is unknown whether this relationship is affected by dehydration. Objective: To investigate the effect of acute dehydration on arterial stiffness during passive heat stress. Design: Two randomized counter-balanced trials. Setting: Laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Eleven healthy males (age=24.5 ± 2.8 years, body mass=76.6 ± 9.1 kg, body fat=16.8 ± 6.4%). Interventions: In one trial subjects were dehydrated (DE) and in another euhydration (EU) was maintained during passive heating to a 1.5°C increase in body temperature. Subjects were euhydrated prior to each trial confirmed via urine specific gravity (USG)0.05). A significant negative relationship (p < 0.01) was observed between baseline arterial stiffness and changes during heating in EU cPWV (r = -0.61), pPWV (r = -0.70), and DE pPWV (r = -0.55), but not DE cPWV (r = -0.09; p = .61). The relationships between baseline stiffness and changes in heating were not significantly different between EU and DE trials (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Passive heat stress decreases peripheral, but not central arterial stiffness independent of hydration status. Acute dehydration that occurs with passive heating does not affect arterial stiffness in young, healthy males.
