Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Level
Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Hammig, Bart
Committee Member
Hammig, Bart
Second Committee Member
Blunt-Vinti, Heather
The purpose of this research project is to measure whether U.S. military veterans experience any stigma related to mental healthcare and if this is associated with age, length of service, and military branch. U.S. military veterans are a high-risk group for developing mental illnesses. It is believed social stigma and personal attitudes, perceptions and beliefs of mental healthcare may influence whether a veteran will pursue mental healthcare. This cross-sectional study was conducted as an online survey via Qualtrics resulting in 75 total responses. 21 responses were excluded from the analysis due to incompletion or failure to pass the consciousness-awareness test question. The survey included a general demographics questionnaire following a brief mental health history and mental healthcare experience of the respondent. The end of the survey presented 9 reflective statements where the respondent’s answer on a 5-point scale of “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” would reflect either positive or negative attitudes towards mental healthcare. 13.6% of respondents agreed with statements which described negative attitudes and perceptions of mental healthcare and 76.4% of respondents agreed with statements which described positive attitudes and perceptions of mental healthcare; 10.1% of respondents were indifferent. No statistically significant correlations were found between the variables presented in the research question.
veterans; mental healthcare; attitudes
Milam Wells, B. (2021). U.S. Military Veterans’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Mental Healthcare. Health, Human Performance and Recreation Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from