Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Degree Level



Health, Human Performance and Recreation


McDermott, Brendon P.

Committee Member/Reader

Vandermark, Lesley

Committee Member/Second Reader

Ganio, Matthew S.


The effects of men's lacrosse protective equipment on thermoregulation and perceptions during exercise heat stress

Amanda P. Glasgow: Exercise Science Research Center, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.

Background: Exertional heat stroke and other heat related illnesses are a common concern for athletic coaches and players. Looking to prevent further injuries, it is questioned whether players perceive if their bodies are heating to a dangerous level. Many factors play into the body’s response and the players perception including thirst, thermoregulation, and the kind of protective equipment the athletes are wearing. Purpose: Examine if perceptual responses are different when participants wear men’s lacrosse protective equipment compared to when they do not. Our hypothesis was that reported perceptual responses would be different between equipment and non-equipment trials. Methodology: We recruited 12 healthy males ages 21.8 ±

3.35 with heights 181.29 cm ± 6.07 cm, with body fat of 14.7% ± 4.4% to complete our randomized crossover study. Participants were required to have previous equipment intensive sport experience. After a health history clearance and a familiarization session, participants completed two trials (once with and once without standard men’s lacrosse protective equipment) a simulated lacrosse exercise protocol consisting of four 12-minute sessions with rests totaling 60 minutes. Measured values included first morning urine osmolality and rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal sensation, thirst perception, and muscle pain perception every 15minutes throughout and following exercise. Results: There was no significant difference between trials with first morning urine osmolality (p=.128). In terms of equipment, RPE was significantly greater with equipment throughout trials (pDiscussion: Overall, our study supported our hypothesis that men’s lacrosse equipment accentuates perceptual stress during exercise heat stress. Regardless of time point, RPE, thermal sensation, thirst sensation, and muscle pain were reported as greater during equipment trials than non-equipment trials.

Funding Source: University of Arkansas Honors College Research Grant


Thermoregulation; lacrosse; protective equipment; heat illness; thirst
