Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Degree Level



Health, Human Performance and Recreation


Robinson, Samantha

Committee Member

Hickey, Erin K.


Physical and mental health are imperative to maintaining a well functioning immune system, which is especially critical during a global pandemic. Moreover, physical and mental health contribute to the overall quality of life experienced by an individual. Consequently, it is important to explore factors that contribute to both physical and mental health. Physical activity has been previously shown to improve physical and mental health yet many individuals do not get enough physical activity daily. Using data collected during the larger Exercise is Medicine (EIM) study, the current study utilized ensemble learning with recursive partitioning methods to explore the relationships that exist between health as measured by the SF-12, various types of physical activity as measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and participant demographics. Results indicated that physical activity, especially in leisure, is an important variable contributing to both physical and mental health. Results also demonstrated the value in utilizing ensemble learning with recursive partitioning methods to study the effect of physical activity on overall health.
