Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Degree Level



Industrial Engineering


Zhang, Shengfan

Committee Member

Zhang, Shengfan

Second Committee Member

Rainwater, Chase E.


Economies around the world have thrived in the wake of the development and keen understanding of effective supply chain management practices. As a result, organizations have become more dependent on other organizations to move their products and services to completion due to complex sourcing and shipping arrangements that have precipitated from the formation of sophisticated supply chains. A supply chain is in general a flow of products or services. When this flow is disrupted or halted, disastrous consequences can ensue. In the worst cases, such as with a disaster relief organization like the American Red Cross, disruptions in supply chains could mean the loss of human life. Although more supply chain managers recognize that disruptions along supply chains can cause millions of dollars in lost revenue and large losses of goodwill, very few know exactly what risks their organizations are exposed to. The aim of this research is to better understand what risks are present along each point in the supply chain – both internally and externally – and to develop a way to assess those risks. Furthermore, this research aims to understand how to mitigate these risks for organizations. Ultimately, the goal is to employ these findings in the form of a web tool that surveys users about their supply chain, assesses their current levels of risk, and suggests ways to mitigate this risk.
