"Live for Now: Teens, Soda Marketing, and the Law" by Richard A. Daynard, F. Brendan Burke et al.


teenagers, obesity, marketing, adolescent brain, psychological development, decision-making, consumer protection, branding, minors, deceptive trade practice, unfair trade practice, Joe Camel

Document Type



The alarming rate of overweight and obesity in U.S. children, adolescents, and adults has focused attention on the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages.' Adolescents are heavily targeted in marketing for beverages, including sugary drinks like soda. They have higher rates of overweight and obesity than children less than five years of age, and are on a path to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This article analyzes soda marketing through the lens of teen biological and psychological development, marketing tactics commonly used with teen audiences, and consumer protection law principles.
