Performer Roles

Khanh, Ngo (guitar); Samor, Gustavo (guitar); DeHart, Patrick (guitar); Wagar, Jeannine (guitar); Mayall, Don (guitar); Perkins, Asher (guitar); Sprott, Shelby (guitar); Antonio, Felipe (guitar); Skinner, Jacob (guitar); Antonio, Felipe (guitar); Holcomb, Bryce (guitar); Spiers, Carlie (guitar); Ferguson, Walter (guitar); Vanderslice, Joey (guitar)


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Document Type

Music Performance

Recital Type

Guitar recital

Publication Date



[00:06]. Sonatina meridional / Manuel Ponce -- [04:48]. Etude no. 6 / Hector Villa-Lobos -- [09:45]. Milonga / Jorge Cardoso -- [14:00]. Straight no chaser / T. Monk -- [19:51]. A child is born / T. Monk -- [23:25]. Autumn leaves / J. Kosma -- [26:58]. Body and soul / J. Green -- [30:48]. All the things you are / J. Kern -- [33:29]. 4 on 6 / Wes Montgomery -- [37:50]. Bright size life / P. Metheny -- [40:36]. Dueling banjos / Arthur Smith -- [45:35]. Elenor Rigby / Lennon and McCartney -- [48:54]. Alone / Bryce Holcomb -- [52:09]. All around me. Flyleaf -- Vital transformation / Mahavisunu Orchestra.
