Performer Roles
MacRae, Christopher (tenor); Kashiwagi, Tomoko (piano)
Document Type
Music Performance
Recital Type
Faculty recital
Voice recital
Publication Date
[00:00]. Luoghi sereni e cari. Vaghissima semianza. O del mio amato ben / Stefano Donaudy -- [08:03]. Ideale. Non t'amo piu . L'ultima canzone / Francesco Paolo Tosti --[18:22]. The Songs of travel. The vagabond ; Let beautyawake ; The roadside fire ; Youth and love ; In dreams ; The infinite shining heavens ; Whither must I wander? ; Bright is the ring of words ; I have trod the upward and the downward slope / Ralph Vaughan Williams.
MacRae, C., & Kashiwagi, T. (2019). Concert recording 2019-02-07a. Concert Recordings. Retrieved from