Document Type


Publication Date



Professional learning communities; PLCs; PLC at Work; professional development

Series Title

Office for Education Policy

Series Number

Volume 21, Issue 1


This study evaluates the impact of Solution Tree’s Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work model on the academic achievement and growth of students in Arkansas schools. It provides the first large-scale evaluation of the PLC at Work model’s effectiveness in improving student academic outcomes. Using publicly available data from the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), the analysis uses a two-stage matching process and an event study framework to determine the effectiveness of PLC at Work across six cohorts. The findings hold significant implications for policymakers, educators, and researchers interested in leveraging professional development to enhance educational practices and student outcomes.

Overall, we find no statistically significant impacts on student achievement or value-added growth, suggesting that the PLC at Work model may not improve academic outcomes for Arkansas students.
