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Streaming Media
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Freight transportation, trucking industry, driver retention, OTR, over-the-road, operations management, industrial engineering
MSOM Lunch and Learn Webinar Series
Freight transportation has increased dramatically over the last 35 years as freight and shipment demand have expanded resulting in truck driver and equipment capacity issues and infrastructure problems. Freight transport tonnage in the U.S. is predominately truck transportation consisting of more than 70% of all freight distribution with a 25% growth expectation over the next 5 years. Within the trucking industry, over-the-road (OTR) truckload transportation consists of 50% of all truck tonnage shipped. Due to high OTR truckload demand, OTR driver capacity issues have plagued the truckload industry for years. Additionally, high OTR driver turnover and poor driver job retention have resulted because of strenuous driving job requirements, poor work conditions, and the unattractiveness of driving a truck. OTR drivers drive long distances, work long hours, and are home infrequently causing driver turnover and retention problems. As the U.S. economy grows, OTR driver turnover and shortages will continue to worsen causing idle equipment, poor customer service, large driver recruitment costs, etc. OTR driver turnover is consistently above 100%, while most industries have a turnover rate of 15% or less. Although the OTR driving job has been a major concern for years, there have been limited research efforts made to explore methods for making the truckload driving job more attractive. This presentation will present some modern methods that attempt to improve the OTR truckload driving job and reduce driver turnover.
Melton, K. (2018). Improving the Truck Driver Job. Operations Management Presentations. Retrieved from
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Industrial Engineering Commons, Industrial Technology Commons, Systems Engineering Commons
Dr. Kerry Melton, MSOM Instructor
Moderated by Mindy Hunthrop, MSOM Program Coordinator/Advisor