Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Degree Level





Churchill, Hugh

Committee Member/Reader

Gea-Banacloche, Julio

Committee Member/Second Reader

Wejinya, Uche

Committee Member/Third Reader

Burrow, Jason


The utilization of two-dimensional materials and heterostructures, particularly graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, have garnered significant attention in the realm of nanoelectronics due to their unique properties and versatile functionalities. This study focuses on the synthesis and fabrication processes of monolayer graphene encapsulated between layers of hBN, aiming to explore the potential of these heterostructures for various electronic applications. The encapsulation of graphene within hBN layers not only enhances device performance but also shields graphene from environmental contaminants, ensuring long-term stability. Experimental techniques, including mechanical exfoliation and stamp-assisted transfer, are employed to construct three-layer stacks comprising hBN-graphene-hBN. The fabrication process involves the formation of one-dimensional edge contacts on graphene, addressing challenges related to contact resistance and interface contamination. The investigation highlights the advantages of edge contacts, such as reduced contact resistance and improved device performance, attributed to the covalent bonding between metal atoms and graphene edges. Computational modeling and experimental data support the effectiveness of edge contacts in graphene-based devices.


2D materials, graphene, heterostructure, nanofabrication
