This page collects the digitized full text Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations of the Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communications Disorders at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. The Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communications Disorders divided into two different departments in 2023.

Please see the Department of Communication Disorders and Occupational Therapy and the Department of Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods for research completed in Fall 2023 and following.

The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:

Category print online
Dissertations 1953-2006 in MAIN

1950s-2012 in Special Collections
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

1950s - present indexed in ProQuest
Master's theses 1910s-2006 in MAIN

1910s-2012 in Special Collections
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006.


Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Evaluating Participants' Perceptions of Alfabetizacion/Circulo de Aprendizaje, A Literacy Program in Ciudad Eten, Chiclayo-Peru, Veronikha Salazar

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Comparing State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies with High Verses Low Rates of Competitive Employment for Blind Consumers: Defining Quality Employment and Describing Effective Service Patterns, Edward Bell


Correlates of Depression in Young Adult Caregivers, Mark Gillen


Missouri A+ Students: How Are They Doing?, Jeffrey Jochems


Spirituality and Self-Efficacy in Counseling and Social Work Trainees, Pam J. Matthews


The Effects of Cultural Congruity, University Alienation, and Self-Concept upon Multiracial Students' Adjustment to College, Derrick Adam Paladino

Theses/Dissertations from 1985


A Continuum Approach to Identification and Mentoring of the Severely Discouraged for Successful Life Career Management, Marion Allen Smallwood