Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Degree Level



Chemical Engineering


Nayani, Karthik


Membranes with slit-like pores have been of interest for some time due to their ability to reject smaller particles than traditional cylindrical-pored membranes at the same fluid flux. However, using liquid crystals as a template for this sort of membrane has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, the liquid crystal mixture of RM257 (2-Methyl-1,4-phenylene bis(4-(3-(acryloyloxy)propoxy)benzoate)) and 5CB (4-Cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl) for the purpose of manufacturing membranes with slit-like pores, the phase transition behavior of this LC mixture at various mole fractions of RM257, and the impact of mole fraction of RM257 in the liquid crystal (LC) mixture and membrane manufacturing conditions on pore morphology are investigated. Ultimately, the impact of mole fraction on pore morphology was found to be statistically significant, and a linear relationship between mole fraction of RM257 and phase transition temperature was determined, which will go on to aid further investigation of the impact of manufacturing conditions on membrane quality.


liquid crystals, membranes, membrane manufacturing, liquid crystal membranes, service learning
