The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:
Category | online | |
Dissertations |
1953-2006 in MAIN 1950s-2012 in Special Collections |
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks 1950s - present indexed in ProQuest |
Master's theses |
1910s-2006 in MAIN 1910s-2012 in Special Collections |
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006. |
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Liquefaction-induced Dragload and/or Downdrag on Deep Foundations within the New Madrid Seismic Zone, Ishimwe Elvis
Fatigue Performance and Shear Demand Distributions of Clustered Shear Connectors in Composite Bridge Girders, Brian David Hillhouse
Utilizing the HVSR Second Peak for Surface Wave Inversions in the Mississippi Embayment, Ashraf Kamal Himel
Computer Modeling of Close-to-Ground Tornado Wind-Fields for Different Tornado Widths, Mohammadhossein Kashefizadeh
Testing and Development of Pre-Stressed CFRP Retrofit Strategies for Controlling Fatigue Cracking in Steel Waterway Lock Gate Structures, Maggie Langston
Effect of Cement Content on Concrete Performance, Caleb Joshua LeBow
The Intrinsic Properties of Reconstituted Soils, Nabeel Shaker Mahmood
Effect of Continuity Plate Eccentricity on the Performance of Welded Beam-to-Column Connections, Jason Thomas Norwood
Developing Computer Codes for Analyzing Bridge Response Due to WIM Data Truck Loading, Kenneth Patrick Pasley
On the Development of 8,000 psi Geopolymer Mortar for Practical Use in Field Applications, Remington Gabriel Reed
Utilizing 3D Printed Analogue Soils to Investigate Specimen Size Effects in Triaxial Testing, Claire Louise Stewart
Examining the Use of Idealized Granular Material in Validated DEM Simulations, Anjana Thoroppady Kittu
Proposed ASTM Standard for the Stokoe-type Resonant Column Torsional Shear Device, Anh Tuan Tran
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Optimization of Concrete Mixtures for Use in Structural Elements, Waleed Almutairi
Evaluation of Water Resources and Hydraulic Influences in the Restoration of the Western Part of the Mesopotamian Marshlands, Ali Kareem Al-Quraishi
Cost-Savings of Implementing Site-Specific Ground Motion Response Analysis in Design of Mississippi Embayment Bridges, Ethan Ryan Benton Baker
An Evaluation of Borehole Hydraulic Conductivity Equations and Field Determined Soil Water Characteristic Curves, Johnathan Dale Blanchard
Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on the Seismic Response of Low-Rise Eccentrically Braced Frames, Luis Gerardo Buitrago Goyez
Development of Deep Site Specific and Reference Shear Wave Velocity Profiles in the Canterbury Plains, New Zealand, Michael Ryan Deschenes
Mitigation and Evaluation of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) and Freezing and Thawing in Concrete Transportation Structures, Richard Albert Deschenes Jr.
Effect of Column Axial Load on Skewed SMF RBS Connection Demands, Clovis Desrochers
Development of a Multiband Remote Sensing System for Determination of Unsaturated Soil Properties, Cyrus D. Garner
Development of Pre-Stressed Retrofit Strategies for Mitigating Fatigue Cracking in Steel Waterway Lock Gate Components, Christine Michelle Lozano
Laboratory Resistivity Measurements for Soil Characterization, Behdad Mofarraj Kouchaki
Geophysical Assessment of Kinion Lake Dam, Tim Allen Moody
Automated Pin-Dot Marking Effects on A709-Gr50 Steel Plate Fatigue Capacity, Michael Andrew Noernberg
On the Fatigue of Headed Shear Studs in Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Girders, Brianna Laurene Ovuoba
Understanding N-nitrosodimethylamine Formation in Water: Chloramine Chemistry, Kinetics, and A Proposed Reaction Pathway, Huong Thu Pham
Development of an Internal Camera-Based Volume Determination System for Triaxial Testing, Sean Elliott Salazar
DEM Study of a Single Stone Column in a Clayey Stratum, Anibal Enrique Santos
Investigating Fate of Silver Nanoparticles in Wastewater Biofilms, Connie Marie Walden
Feasibility of Additive Manufactured Materials for Use in Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Applications, Matthew P. Watters
Exploring Compaction Effects on Cold In-Place Recycling Mixtures using Emulsified Asphalt, Erica Ann Yeung
A Comparison of Force and Pressure Coefficients on Dome, Cube and Prism Shaped Buildings due to Straight and Tornadic Wind Using Three Dimensional Computational Fluids Dynamics, Majdi A. A. Yousef
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Field Observations and Computer Modeling of Tornado-Terrain Interaction and its Effects on Tornado Damage and Path, Nawfal Shihab Ahmed
Evaluation of Poisson’s Ratio of Asphalt Concrete, Elvis Alexander Castillo Camarena
Development of the MASW Method for Pavement Evaluation, Benjamin J. Davis
Asbestos Cement Pipe Condition Assessment and Remaining Service Life Prediction, Abiy Melles Ghirmay
Impact of Extreme Summer Temperatures on Bridge Structures, Ryan Hagedorn
Nanofiltration Rejection of Contaminants of Emerging Concern from Municipal Water Resource Recovery Facility Secondary Effluents for Potable Reuse Applications, Steven Michael Jones
Analysis of Bridge Deck Sections by Pseudo-compressibility method based on FDM and LES: Improving Performance through Implementation of Parallel Computing, Blandine Therese Mbianda Kemayou
Exploring the Black Space of Compressive and Shear Modulus, Airam Marlee Morales Vega
Structural Identification of an Elevated Water Tower, James Thomas Norris
Influence of Concrete Compressive Strength on Transfer and Development Lengths of Prestressed Concrete, Alberto Teodoro Ramirez-Garcia
Identifying Damage, Predicting Expansion, and Determining the Effectiveness of Sealers on Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction and Freeze-Thaw, Matthew Caleb Waidner
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Achieving Enhanced Treatment of Produced Fluids using Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Electrochemical Oxidation: Full Scale Evaluations, Jamar Willis Blackmon
Measurement of Transfer and Development Lengths of 0.7 in. Strands on Pretensioned Concrete Elements, Canh Ngoc Dang
Three Dimensional Simulations of Tornado Sheltering Effect of Man-made Structures, Piotr Gorecki
Laboratory Comparison of Full Depth Reclamation Stabilization Techniques Using Arkansas Field Materials, Chase Aaron Henrichs
Investigation of the Inherent Chemical, Structural, and Mechanical Attributes of Bio-Engineered Composites Found in Nature: Alligator Gar’s Exoskeleton Fish Scales, Wayne Derald Hodo
Development of Best Management Practices for Turbidity Control during Rainfall Events at Highway Construction Sites using Polyacrylamide, Joanne Johnson
Biofilm-related Materials as Total N-nitrosamine (TONO) Precursors and Hydroxylamine-based Interferences in TONO and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Measurements, David Allen Meints
Application of Polyacrylamide-based Floc Logs for Turbidity Control at Highway Construction Sites, Kien Ngo
Alkali Silica Reaction Mitigation Using High Volume Class C Fly Ash, William Joseph Phillips
Development of Pre-stressed CFRP Fatigue Retrofits for Common Steel Bridge Connections, Korey Albert Pough
Amount of Uncertainty in the Methods Utilized to Design Drilled Shaft Foundations, Morgan Race
Comparing Layer Types for the Use of MEPDG for FDR Design, Sadie Smith
The Aerodynamic and Dynamic Loading of a Slender Structure by an Impacting Tornado-Like Vortex: The Influence of Relative Vortex-to-Structure Size on Structural Loading, Matthew Nicholas Strasser
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Cost-Benefit Analyses for Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) of Drilled Shafts in Arkansas, Sarah Michelle Bey
Calibration of Resistance Factors for Driven Piles using Static and Dynamic Tests, Deshinka A. Bostwick
Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in an Interstate Median Barrier, Richard Albert Deschenes
Development of a Hydrologic Model for an Urban Headwater Stream: The Influence of Pervious Surface Properties on Runoff Dynamics, Dawn A. Farver
Global Dynamic Characterization and Load Rating of Bridge Structures Utilizing Economical Dynamic Excitation Devices, Eric Fernstrom
Dynamic Testing of an Elevated Water Tank, Alexander Michael Font
Field-Obtained Soil Water Characteristic Curves and Hydraulic Conductivity Functions, Elvis Ishimwe
Reliability-Based Design and Acceptance Protocol for Driven Piles, Joseph Jabo
The Investigation of Cold-mix Asphalt Creep Stiffness Testing Using Multiple Test Apparatuses and Gradations, Alexander Jackson
Multiple Reference Impact Testing of Bridges Using a Network of Low-Cost Dynamic Exciters, James David Lindsey
Microbial Community Shifts Caused by Changes in the Primary Oxidant at a Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Connie Marie Moloney
Durability of Silane Sealer in a Highly Alkaline Environment, Cameron David Murray
Rapid Condition Assessment of Bridges By Falling Weight Deflectometer, Jeremy David Rawn
The Characterization of Foamed Asphalt Binders Using a Rotational Viscometer, John William Ryan
A Comparison and Evaluation of Different Dynamic Characterization Approaches for Bridges, Juan Javier Torres Torres Goitia
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Mitigating Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete in Bridge Decks Through Internal Curing, Daniel Robert Goad
Return to Traffic of Full Depth Reclamation Pavements, Robert Benjamin Hill
Using the CERES-Maize Model to Create a Geographically Explicit Grid Based Estimate of Corn Yield Under Climate Change Scenarios, Ryan Zachary Johnston
Effect of Lightweight Aggregate Moisture Content on Internally Cured Concrete, Casey Jones
Assessing Trichloromethane Formation and Control in Algal-Stimulated Waters Amended With Nitrogen and Phosphorus, Clinton Mash
Variability in the Hydraulic Conductivity of a Test Pad Liner System Using Different Testing Techniques, Matthew Jonathan Nanak
Biodiesel Transesterification Byproducts as Soil Amendments, Solomon Parker
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Effects of Testing Time on Anaerobic Toxicity Assessment, Omolola Atinuke Akintomide
Efficacy of Geosynthetic Separators and Filters: An Evaluation of Test Sections in Marked Tree, Arkansas, Ashique Ali Boga
Prestress Losses in Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete, Jared Bymaster
Improved Protocols for Automated Wheelpath Crack Detection in Pavements, Daniel Patrick Byram
Slope Stability Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Techniques, Omar Alberto Conte Robles
Investigating the Bond of Prestressing Strands in Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete, Royce Woodrow Floyd
Synergy of Alum and Chlorine Dioxide for Curbing Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential at Central Arkansas Water, Corey W. Granderson
The Development of a High Performance Concrete to Store Thermal Energy for Concentrating Solar Power Plants, Emerson Esmond John
Wheel Path Wandering Based On Field Data, Wenting Luo
Comprehensive Drainage Study of the Upper Reach of College Branch in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Kathryn Lea McCoy
Implementing Conductive Concrete with Photovoltaic Energy to Develop Anti-Icing Airfield Runways, Adam Benjamin Osweiler
Performance and Cost Analysis of a Structured Concrete Thermocline Thermal Energy Storage System, Matt Nicholas Strasser
Risk Analysis and Reliability Improvement of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design, Xingqiang Danny Xiao