Performer Roles
Serrano, Ismaelena (soprano); Fukuda, Yoko (piano); Rojas, Daryl (piano); Liebl, Nicholas (tuba); Kashiwagi, Tomoko (piano); Lopez, Ammi (flute); Sigurdson, Carly (piano); Kettner, Mycah (guitar); Davis, Zachariah (bass trombone)
Document Type
Music Performance
Recital Type
Honors recital
Publication Date
[00:00]. From Rêverie. Sognai / Francesco Schira -- [04:30]. Êtude-Tableau op. 39, no. 5 / Sergi Rachmaninoff -- [09:15]. Capriccio / Rodney Newton -- [18:40]. Solo de pajarillo / Omar Acosta -- [22:47]. Butterflies and bobcats / David L. McIntyre -- [32:59].Song to the mother / Johannes Möller -- [37:51]. Concerto for bass trombone. III. James Brown in the twilight zone / Chris Brubeck.
Serrano, I., Fukuda, Y., Rojas, D., Liebl, N., Kashiwagi, T., Lopez, A., Sigurdson, C., Kettner, M., & Davis, Z. (2017). Concert recording 2017-04-23a. Concert Recordings. Retrieved from