Performer Roles
Flannery, Jeremiah (composer); Bland, Joshua (Joshua Earl), 1987- (conductor); Alexander, Cali (flute); Lopez, Ammi (flute); Martin, Hannah (flute); Phillips, Dominique (flute); Chang, Jenny (clarinet); Pina, Alex (clarinet); Zhou, Rosabelle (clarinet); Carson, A. J. (saxophone); Fugit, Joshua (saxophone); Deal, Heather (bassoon); Thompson, Jessica (bassoon); Beard, Megan (percussion); Clifford, Tim (percussion); Dobbs, Megan (percussion); Sewell, E. Scott (percussion); Robert, Schumann (piano); Zuloaga, Florencia (piano); Hartman, Charles (cello); Irby, Nick (piano); Wade, Brandon (cello)
Document Type
Music Performance
Recital Type
Composition recital
Publication Date
Slowing down. I. Rotations in an emergency ; II. Under the city ; III. Forfeit ; IV. Something comfortable to fall into / Jeremiah Flannery.
Flannery, J., Bland, J., Alexander, C., Lopez, A., Martin, H., Phillips, D., Chang, J., Pina, A., Zhou, R., Carson, A. J., Fugit, J., Deal, H., Thompson, J., Beard, M., Clifford, T., Dobbs, M., Sewell, S. E., Schumann, R., Zuloaga, F., Hartman, C., Irby, N., & Wade, B. (2017). Concert recording 2017-04-23b. Concert Recordings. Retrieved from
The stars over Babylon and Ricecar I were not recorded per the composer's wishes.