The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:
Category | online | |
Dissertations |
1953-2006 in MAIN 1950s-2012 in Special Collections |
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks 1950s - present indexed in ProQuest |
Master's theses |
1910s-2006 in MAIN 1910s-2012 in Special Collections |
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006. |
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Does Diversity Ideology Moderate Participants’ Perceptions of Therapists Who Do and Do Not Broach?, Emily Allen
Intellectual Humility and the Role of Feedback on Children’s Intellectual Humility Expression, Christina M. Barnes
A Brief Values-Based Intervention for Increasing Distress Tolerance in Overcontrol, Katherine Hyde Brott
How Others Affect Identity: The Roles of Mere Presence, Self-Disclosure Extent, and Partner Responsiveness, Josephine Collins
Evaluating the Association Between Daily Fluctuations in Sleep and Blood Pressure, Mara Elizabeth Egeler
To EACH Their Own: The Relationship Among Regret, Habits, and Academic Performance in College Students, Chandler Ann Findley
A Mobile Application Intervention for Insomnia among College Students, Veronica Floyd
Predicting Different Psychological Profiles Amongst Substance Users., Zach J. Gray
Strategies for Misinformation Correction: Evidence for the Power of Negation, Angel Houts
‘Catching Zzz’s and feelings’: A Study Examining the Link between Sleep and Emotional Intimacy among Sexual Assault Survivors, Anna Marie Thi Thanh Nguyen
The School Lunchroom as an Important Context in Children’s Social Development: The Link Between Lunchtime Peer Acceptance and Peer Victimization, Jake Callaway Steggerda
Will These Feelings Last Forever? Examining the Relationship Between the Longevity Belief About Emotion and Avoidance, Elise Warner
The Interplay of Chronic Alcohol Misuse and Facial Recognition Abilities, Morgan Hannah Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Emergency Service Use in Autistic Youth and Young Adults, Rebecca S. Bradley
The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on the Ability to Reappraise Negative Situations, Rebecca Campbell
(Nearly) All Roads Lead to Polarization: Cognitive Dissonance and the Inverse Relationship Between Polarization and Trivialization in the 2016 and 2020 Elections, Austin D. Eubanks
How Systematically Increasing Estimator Variables Affects the Confidence-Accuracy Relationship, Amber M. Giacona
Enhancing Depression Screening and Treatment for Latinxs Residing in the U.S., Linda Esperanza Guzman
Components of Emotional Functioning Among People with Substance Use and Posttraumatic Stress Difficulties: An Idiographic Perspective, Danielle Higuera
Diminishing Creative Returns: Predicting Optimal Creative Performance via Individual Differences in Executive Functioning, Kent F. Hubert
What Cognitive Processes Drive Attentional Bias, and How Does Stress Affect Them?, Colton L. Hunter
Children’s Disclosure of School Bullying: The Relation Between Peer Victimization, Internalizing Symptoms, Negative Affect, and Gender, Julia L. Kiefer
Considering Contextual Factors in the Perception and Attribution of Racial Microaggressions, Roselee Ledesma
Equity and Access to Care: Barriers to Diagnostic and Treatment Services for Black Families of Autistic Youth, Harlee Onovbiona
Juvenile Justice System Involvement and the Transition to Early Adulthood: Does Direct Intervention Help or Harm?, Cameron Miller Perrine
Examining the Hormonal Underpinnings of Affiliation Motivation in Oral Contraceptive Users, Hormonal IUD Users, and Naturally Cycling Women, Mikayla Tolliver
Presentation Matters: Effects of Presentation Order of Personality Feedback and Need for Structure on Participant Response to Feedback, Alita Marie Mobley Tu
Freedom, Abortion, and Hypocrisy: The Effect of Hypocrisy on Pro-Life Abortion Attitudes, Emily M. Vance
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Therapists’ Demonstrated Multicultural Competence in Treating Latinx Immigrants, Dulce Diaz Benitez
Concurrent Load and Construal on Planning, Maximilian Fey
Hurting to Helping: Regret as a Potential Motivator of Helping Behavior, Chandler Ann Findley
An Evaluation of the Convergent Construct Validity of the Boldness Inventory of Psychopathy using a Five-Minute, 10% Carbon-Dioxide-Enriched Air Challenge, Morgan Alexandra Hill
The Impact of Video-Taped Social Modeling on Alcohol Outcome Expectancies of Young Adults and the Role of Social Anxiety, Kyle Kevin Jackson
Thinking About Episodic Future Events as a Way to Reduce Smoking Behavior: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study, Stephanie Joann Kane
“All Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk”: Attributions of Race-Based Discrimination When an Ingroup Member is the Perpetrator, Christin Alexandra Mujica
Children’s Positive Peer Relationships and their Bullying Behaviors: A Latent Profile Analysis, Lauren Mutignani
Children’s Social Judgments of Others on the Basis of Dialect-Specific Vocabulary, Madison Myers-Burg
Collaborating with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Parents to Develop CareGiver-Initiated Mentoring, Meredith J. Scafe
The Self-Invalidation Due to Emotion Scale (SIDES): Development and Psychometric Properties, Regina E. Schreiber
Trauma Treatment for Youth in Foster Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Clinician Perspectives and Treatment Model Use, Allison Blake Smith
Reactionism: The Motivation to Resurrect the Past, Derrick F. Till
Algorithms vs. Human Nature: A Tale of Selective Exposure, Dené E. M. Wamsley
The Influence of Beliefs about Emotion on Avoidance Behaviors, Elise Warner
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Combating Conspiracy Theories: An Attitudes-Based Approach, Marie Altgilbers
Does Whispering Improve Children’s Memory? Comparing Auditory Vigilance and Salience Hypotheses, Christina M. Barnes
Disgust versus Anger-Relevant Trauma Analogues: Associations with Affect and Disclosure Behavior, Teah-Marie Bynion
Facts from Fiction: Packaging Misinformation, Angel Ray Houts
An EEG Source-Space Analysis of the Neural Correlates Underlying Self-Regulation, Stephanie M. Long
Effects of Sleep on Intrusive Symptoms and Emotional Reactivity in a Laboratory-Based Film Analog Study, Anna Marie Thi Thanh Nguyen
What Makes a Lie? A Novel Study Investigating the Difference Between Deliberate Lies and Honest Mistakes, Andrew Christopher Provenzano
The Effect of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Attention and Cognitive Control as a Function of Smartphone Notifications., Joshua D. Upshaw
Negative Urgency's Influence on State-level, Emotion-based Changes in Alcohol-related Cognitions, Noah Wolkowicz
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Barriers to Integrated Primary Care and Specialty Mental Health Services: Perspectives from Latinx and Non-Latinx White Primary Care Patients, Elizabeth A. Anastasia
An Experimental Test of the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Approach Behavior, Rebecca L. Campbell
Perceptions of Help-Seeking Likelihood for Depression: Examining the Relative Predictive Value of Ethnicity and Barriers to Care, Linda Esperanza Guzman
Drinking to Cope: Effects of Anxiety on Generation of Self-Regulation Strategies, Lauren Hurd
Rejection Sensitivity and Social Support as Predictors of Peer Victimization among Youth with Psychiatric Illness, Katherine C. Hyde
Are Individual Differences in Media Multitasking Habits Associated with Changes in Brain Activation: An ERP Investigation of Multitasking and Cognitive Control, Morgan Middlebrooks
Effects of Alcohol Intoxication on Hostile Attribution Bias and Relational Aggression in Women, Alita M. Mobley
Practitioner Use of and Attitudes toward Video-Conferencing for the Delivery of Evidence-Based Telemental Health Interventions, Kathryn Parisi
Peer Acceptance in the Lunchroom and Children’s Internalizing Symptoms, Jake Steggerda
Children's Use of Accent as a Cue for Cooperative Potential, Rachel Stevens
Calling Out the Trolls: Responses to Witnessing Use of the “Troll” Label as a Defense in an Online Group Context, Dene E. M. Wamsley
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Impact of Mother and Adolescent Offspring Distress Reduction Training on Maternal Anxiety and Alcohol Related Behaviors Following Conflict, Sarah Ann Bilsky
Emotion Identification and Beliefs about Emotions as Mediators of PTSD and Parenting Meta-Emotion Philosophies, Maegan Calvert
Turn that Frown Upside-down! The Effectiveness of Opposite Action in Changing Emotion, Kaitlyn Diane Chamberlain
Preliminary Outcomes, Acceptability, and Feasibility of a Brief Crisis Response Planning Intervention for Reducing Suicide Risk in Primary Care Behavioral Health Patients, Aubrey R. Dueweke
Components of Mindfulness Training: Impacts on Attention and Affect, Maximilian Fey
Changes in Cortical Processing Following Unilateral Visual Cortex Deafferentation, Matthew Gannon
Familiarization through Ambient Images Alone, Nia Imani Gipson
Social Anxiety Reduction in the Context of Social Modeling Utilizing a Placebo Alcohol Beverage, Kyle K. Jackson
Are Two Unmatched Minority Statuses Worse Than One? The Impact of Social Status Similarities on Alliance in a Mock Clinical Interview, Roselee Jeannette Ledesma
Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Object Category Formation in a Prototype-Distortion Task, Stephanie Marie Long
How Does Alcohol Intoxication Impair Risk Detection of Sexual Assault? Testing an Integration of Alcohol Myopia and Social Information Processing Theories, Alexander James Melkonian
Hating Evil: Understanding the Role of Evil in Interpersonal Hate, Carmen Merrick
Parametric Indices of Peer Victimization as Predictors of Children’s Internalizing Outcomes, Freddie Aníbal Pastrana Rivera
Like Me, Do What I Say, & Think About My Influence: The Effects on Witness Choosing and Metacognition, Brittany Race
Music, Language, and Rhythmic Timing, Rhimmon Simchy-Gross
Dynamics of Momentary Perceived Self-Regulation Abilities as Novel Predictors of Overeating in Daily Life, Kayla Dawn Skinner
Cost-benefit Analysis of Enhanced Mentoring for Delinquency Prevention, Allison Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
How Want vs Need Self-Talk Facilitates Goal-Directed Behavior, Danielle Elyse Baker
A Multimodal Assessment of Disgust in Response to Traumatic Event Reminders Among Adolescents, Teah-Marie R. Bynion
Values vs. Self-Interest as Determinants of Attitudes: Through a Construal Level Theory Lens, (Sometimes) Self-Interest Wins, Austin D. Eubanks
Acculturation and Internalizing Problems among Latino Youth: A Meta-Analytic Review, Juventino Hernandez Rodriguez
Investigating Affective Pathways for the Influence of Justification on Self-Control, Morgan Hill
The Role of Dialect Words in Children’s Social Decisions, Madison Rose Myers-Burg
Long-Term Focus of Attentional Biases, Garrett Pollert
A Laboratory-Based Experimental Test of Reasons for Living: Effects on Behavioral Approach Toward a Suicide-Related Stimulus, Sasha Micaella Rojas
Community- versus School-Based Mentoring Matches: Do Mentees’ Parents Differ in Family Risk, Perceived Support or Reasons for a Mentor?, Meredith Sourk
Multiculturalism, Colorblindness, and Prejudice: Examining How Diversity Ideologies Impact Intergroup Attitudes, David Sparkman