Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2025
Minimizing Uncovered Triples: An Integer Programming Approach to College Football Conference Scheduling, Caleb Mallett
Theses from 2024
Comparing North American Professional Sports League Season Formats using Monte Carlo Simulation, Lathan Gregg
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Autonomous Drone Navigation, Joshua Jowers
Quantifying Lock Criticality for Inland Waterway Navigation Using An Agent-based Simulation, Ashwin Narayan
Investigating the Integration of Demand Distribution Modeling in Supply Chain Simulation, Marshal Ray
Open-Source Optimization for Green Last Mile Delivery and Other Applications, John Sooter
Theses from 2023
The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Emissions, Jessica Creech
Testing the Effects of Different Designs on the Physical Properties of 3D-Printed Watch Bands, Ross Harper
Smart Base Installations: Improving the Agile Development of Multidisciplinary Systems of Systems Projects Using Systems Engineering Techniques, Tate Hasenclever
Detecting Pathobiomes Using Machine Learning, Valerie Jackson and Valerie Jackson
Automated Visualization Pipeline for Near Real-time Risk Management System, Paris Joslin
Interaction Effects and Selecting Regression Models of Taylor Swift Song Popularity, Halle Schneidewind
Lead Distribution Modeling for Supply Chains with a Large Number of Items, Wesley Tate
Theses from 2022
Assessing the Influence of Health Policy and Population Mobility on COVID-19 Spread in Arkansas, Tayden Barretto
Analyzing Vulnerabilities in the Northwest Arkansas Highway Network Using Mathematical Optimization, Brandon Jerome
Simulating Emergency Evacuation Response in an Auditorium Space, Anna Lee
Academic Advising Support Tool: An Optimization Approach, Spencer Loper
A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Food Pantry Accessibility in Washington County, Arkansas, Coleman Warren
Implementing the CMS+ Sports Rankings Algorithm in a JavaFx Environment, Luke Welch
Theses from 2021
Improving Logistics Efficiency Through Collaborative Truck Routing, Patrick Dougherty
Decision Making within an NFL Context Using Multiple Objective Decision Analysis, Lawson Porter
Regression Analysis of Pacing When Running a Marathon, Hawkin Starke
Locating Drone Battery Supply Stations to Facilitate the Delivery of Medical Supplies in Low and Middle-Income Countries, Madeline Suellentrop
Quantifying the Benefits of a Collaborative Supply Chain Network using a Discrete-Time Vehicle Routing Model, Matthew Walters
Theses from 2020
Locating Relay Nodes to Maximize Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime: A Numerical Study, Maria Rene Arandia Jimenez
Analyzing the Fractal Dimension of Various Musical Pieces, Nathan Clark
Characterizing Statin use among Prediabetic Patients with Predictive Analytics, Alexandra Gentile
Re-evaluating coverage metrics for wireless sensor network border security applications, Kevin Haney
Optimal Emergency Response Shelter Placement based on Population Vulnerabilities, Alexander Johnson
Intruder Preference and Route Selection: A GIS Data Approach, Griffin Mathews
Curriculum Optimization via Activity-on-Node Network Modeling, Caroline Rhomberg
A Simulation Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis on Patient Outcomes, Sierra Wagner
Improving Offensive Player Performance Measures for Assessing Free Agent Major League Baseball Players, Henley Wells
Theses from 2019
Characterizing Truck Parking Shortages in Arkansas: A Data Analytical Approach, Morgan Hartsell
Dynamic Prediction of Treatment Outcomes for Recurrent Tuberculosis Patients, Nicole Hayes
Data Visualization of Treatment Outcomes for Tuberculosis Patients, Joy Jenkins
Vulnerability Analysis of Modern Electric Grids: A Mathematical Optimization Approach, Matthew Millis
Simulating Alternative Tuberculosis Diagnosis Methods in Underdeveloped Countries, Luke Turner
Theses from 2018
Transportation and Distribution of Strategic National Stockpile Supplies in a Public Health Emergency, Olivia A. Goss
Developing an HPV Infection Risk Prediction Model for Adult Females, Rachel Holmer
Dispensing Medical Countermeasures in Public Health Emergencies via Home Health Agencies and Points of Distribution, Anna Hudgeons
Modeling Commodity Flow as a Statistical Function of Lock Unavailability and Usage, Grace McGee
Effective Resource Utilization in Arkansas Public Schools, Ryan Sanders
Understanding The Decision-Making Process of Local Level Emergency Managers and Future Impacts of Social Data, Justin Taylor
Developing an ergonomic model and automation justification for industrial spraying operations: A case study, Anthony Woods
Theses from 2017
Simulation Modeling of Alternative Staffing and Task Prioritization in Manual Post-Distribution Cross Docking Facilities, David A. Cox
Developing Sustainable Rice Production through Image Classification, Parker R. Fitzgerald
A Quantitative Model for Truck Parking Utilization with Hours of Service Regulations, Alexis Christine Gaddy
Exploring the Association Between Patient Waiting Time, No-Shows and Overbooking Strategy to Improve Efficiency in Health Care, Cam Tu M. Nguyen
International Service-Learning in Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review and Mixed-Methods Study, Tanner K. Woodruff and Cody J. Campbell
Theses from 2016
Improving Reliability of Medical Device Tracking Using Unique Device Identification, John A. Bonfanti
Developing a Logistics Risk Assessment Tool, Daniel C. Fritsche
Statistical Learning Tools with Food Science, Jessica C. Hacker
Modeling Supply Chain Resiliency, Jeff A. Hazel
Effective Supplier Quality Practices in the Construction Industry, Ashleigh Hegwood
Baseball Portfolio Optimization, Keegan Henderson
Modeling the Impact of RFID Technology on the Healthcare Supply Chain, Travis B. Peter
Using Value-Focused Thinking for Engineered Resilient Systems, Colin A. Small
Developing a Risk Analysis Model to Improve Study Abroad Awareness, Tyler Spain
Predicting Nonadherence Behavior Towards Mammography Screening Guidelines, Brian L. Trussell
Engineered Resilient Systems Model Applied to Network Design, Zephan W. Wade
Theses from 2015
Sensitivity Analysis of Dredge Fleet Scheduling, Kaitlin Denny
Modeling Information Reliability and Maintenance: A Systematic Literature Review, Daysi A. Guerra Garcia
Simulation Analysis on Alternatives to Accelerate the Passenger Flow in Security Checkpoints, Maria Luisa Janer Rubio
College Football Rankings: Maximum Flow Model, Jaymin Patel
Maritime Transportation Research Bank, Valeria A. Remon Perez
A Mathematical Model for Two-Layer Networks with One-Way Dependency, Joseph Schulze
Prioritizing Interdictions on a Shortest Path Network, Hayden D. Summerhill
A Decision Support Tool for Appointment Scheduling to Reduce Patient No-Show Rate in an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic, Kaitlyn N. Thomas
Theses from 2014
Analysis of the suitability of the trauma center location configuration in the state of Arkansas, Katy Accurso
Uncertainty in relief supply distribution, Christopher A. Bayles
An Inventory Management Readiness Assessment Model, Joseph J. Castrodale
Hospital Discharge Decision Modeling for Mental Health Inpatients, Peiwen Duan
Advances in Decision Tools for Ranking Analytics, Steven Cole Elliott
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture using multiple-objective decision analysis, Holly Hilliard
Models for Incorporating Block Scheduling in Blood Drive Staffing Problems, Yulong Su
Theses from 2013
Disaster Relief Models: Location of Points of Distribution, Othman Boudhoum
A Duration-of-Stay Storage Policy in the Physical Internet, Robert Curry
Decision support tool for Operations Management course and instructor scheduling, Morgan Ulesich
College Football Rankings: An Industrial Engineering Approach, Brent H. Wiles
Emerging Technology in Healthcare and the Associated Environmental Impacts, Sarah Wood
Cost Distribution Analysis of Remote Monitoring System Use in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases, Adeola Yusuf
Theses from 2012
Response Strategies for Critical Supply Shortages in Healthcare, Christopher Adkins
Theses from 2011
Re-estimating and remodeling general aviation operations, Ryan Black
Incorporating vertical travel into non-traditional cross aisles for unit-load warehouse designs, Kirby A. Clark
Gender and self-selection among engineering students, Maci Dickson
Office Hour Scheduling Tool, Tyler Dunlap
Development of a RAM shared service tool for the service availability of on-board and trackside systems, Bailey Frazier
Empirical Analysis of the Relay Network Design Problem, Sergio Maldonado Soria Galvarro
Team assignment strategies in youth sports, Stephanie Marhefka
NCAA college football pseudo-playoff non-conference games scheduling via constraint and Integer Programming, Craig Stevens
Industrial engineering analysis to improve phlebotomy lab operations, Natassia Taylor
Identifying feasible schedules for elementary school gifted and talented education programs, Rachel Townsley
Theses from 2008
Comparative analysis of forecasting techniques with intermittent demand, John DeForest
Simulation of Multicultural Factors in Terrorism Networks, Jared Townsley
Theses from 2007
Comparison of simulation-based schedule generation methodologies for semiconductor manufacturing, Wenfeng Li