Theses from 2015
The Information of Spam, Sawyer C. Anderson
Tweetement: Pseudo-relevance Feedback for Twitter Search, Kanatbay Bektemirov
Using Genetic Learning in Weight-Based Game AI, Dylan Anthony Kordsmeier
WIP, Armon Nayeraini
Theses from 2014
The Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Game Engine for the iPhone Platform, Luke B. Godfrey
A comparison of dropout and weight decay for regularizing deep neural networks, Thomas Grant Slatton
Theses from 2013
Algorithms and a Software Application for the Discovery of Heparin-Binding Proteins for Chemical Analysis, Christopher Dempewolf
Forensic Investigation of MySQL Database Management System, Andrew C. Lawrence
Theses from 2012
The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Game Engine for the Android Platform, Jon Hammer
Wi-Fi Sensing Algorithms Utilizing ZigBee RF Reciever for use in Emergency Communications Mesh, Alexander Nelson
A modular framework for home healthcare monitoring, Blake Puryear
Virtual "University of Arkansas" Campus, Seth Williams
Simple touch-based gaming: project pond, Taylor Yust
Theses from 2011
WebTailor: Internet Service for Salient and Automatic User Interest Profiles, John Anderson
Parallelizing Scale Invariant Feature Transform On A Distributed Memory Cluster, Stanislav Bobovych
Object recognition based on shape and function, Akihiro Eguchi
PowerSearch: Augmenting mobile phone search through personalization, Xiangyu Liu
An introductory educational board game for use in early computer science education, Tyler Moore
Making an Impact on the Obesity Epidemic by Deploying a Mobile Fitness Suite on the Android Market, Chad Richards
Portable network analyzer, Tyler Warren
Theses from 2010
Analysis of a database insider threat model, Andrea Samuel
Theses from 2009
Understanding sources and consequences of variation in self-assembly, Arjun Dasgupta
Theses from 2008
Adding Virtual RFID to Second Life, Casey Bailey
Service oriented transitive closure solution, Jonathan Baran
An Efficient Hardware Implementation of Target Recognition Algorithms and Investigation of Secure Wireless Communication for a Modified Manet, Stephen Barnes
Developing Subgrade Inputs for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design, Meagan Berlau
Holistic Characterization of Parallel Programming Models in a Distributed Memory Environment, Christopher Bryan
Location-Based Hashing for Querying and Searching, Felix Ching
Key factors in tag recognition for RFID system, Nachiketa Das
Visualization of an Approach to Data Clustering, Marisabel Guevara
Computer Generation and Processing of Music: Pitch Correction for the Human Voice, Jason Hardy
Mapping reality into virtual worlds, Josh McFarlane
Steganography in IPV6, Barret Miller
Pitch correction on the human voice, Suzanne Ownbey
MultiUAV2 Agent Swarming for Distributed ATR Simulation, Kyle White