The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:
Category | online | |
Dissertations |
1953-2006 in MAIN 1950s-2012 in Special Collections |
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks 1950s - present indexed in ProQuest |
Master's theses |
1910s-2006 in MAIN 1910s-2012 in Special Collections |
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006. |
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Rock Wall Fracturing as a Potential Control on River Valley Width in the Buffalo National River, Arkansas, Kindle Hon
Carbon Dioxide Dynamics in the Carbonate Critical Zone, Savoy Experimental Watershed, Arkansas, USA, Michael Darvin Jones
Rural-Urban Migration and the Extent of Urbanization: A Case Study of Rural Migrants from Northern Ghana to Accra, Daniel Kissi-Somuah
Geochemical Analysis of Basement Rock as a Potential Metal Source in Mississippi Valley-Type Ores, Southern Midcontinent U.S.A., Mackenzie Margaret Moorhead
Determining the Climatic Effects of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province Across the End Triassic Mass Extinction in the Elliot Formation, southern Africa, Danielle Elizabeth Oberg
Environments and Controls of Erosional Bedforms in Soluble Channels, Ethan W. Oleson
The Demotechnic Index of Nations (1980 - 2018) and its Correlation with the Human Development Index (1990 – 2021), Camden Rainwater
Predicting and Analyzing Landslides Dynamics for Greer’s Ferry Lake, Arkansas, Travis Rameden-Tipton
Machine Learning and Satellite Data Fusion for Monitoring Forest Changes and Modeling the Above Ground Biomass in Arkansas, Abdullah Al Saim
A Volumetric Model of REE and Other Critical Element-Bearing Underclay Deposits in the Eckley Mine Area, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Harrison Spiller
Fire Potential in Arkansas through the Lens of the Keetch-Byram Drought Index, Charles Daly Steward
Controls on the Development of Hummocky Topography on Debris-Covered Glaciers, Ryan M. Strickland
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Age, Size, and Climate Response Study of Old Growth Shortleaf Pine in the McCurtain County Wilderness Area, Oklahoma, Nicholas Cancalosi-Dean
The Terroir of Swiss Cheese: A Temporal and Geomorphological Investigation of the Martian CO2 Sublimation Pits, Racine D. Cleveland
Cartographic Analysis of Earth-Sun Relationships in Ancient Amazonia, Jackson Bennett Critser
A Geospatial Assessment of Turkey’s Military Campaigns Against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Steven Lucas Escalante
Green Infrastructure in the Ozarks: Northwest Arkansas Development Policy and the Open Space Plan, Daniel Holtmeyer
Maximum Depositional Age Analysis using Paired LA-ICP-MS and CA-ID-TIMS Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Benjamin L. Howard
Reproducibility and Replicability in Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Geographic Information Science, Cassandra Howe
Tree-Ring Reconstruction of Ouachita River Streamflow, Keaton Cade Jenkins-Joyce
Chemostratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Studies of Cloverly Formation, Northern Wyoming, U.S.A, Queen Amarachi Kalu
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Large Rock Blocks and Control on Landscape Evolution in the Ozarks, Chelsea Moran
Geochemistry of Metal-Rich Black Shales and Their Genetic Relationship to Mississippi Valley-Type Pb-Zn Ore Deposits, Midcontinent U.S., Noah S. Morris
Age, Size, and Composition of Selected Old-Growth Shortleaf Pine Stands in the Upper Buffalo River, Arkansas, Willa Avery Thomason
Shallow Groundwater Distributions and Changes with Sea Level Rise in Seattle, Washington, Taylor L. Watson
Geospatial Analysis of Weathering and Recession on Architectural Limestone at the 1891 Powerhouse/Icehouse in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Stuart Bruce Wright
Airbnb Valuation: A Machine Learning Approach, Katherine Wyatt
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Structural Interpretation of an Alkaline-Carbonatite Complex Using Gravity and Magnetic Methods at Magnet Cove, Arkansas, Chelsea Morgan Amaral
The Mangrove Walks: An Econometric Analysis of Climate Migration Drivers from Coastal Bangladesh and their Geopolitical Impacts, Kendall Scott Byers
Precision Weed Management Based on UAS Image Streams, Machine Learning, and PWM Sprayers, Jason Allen Davis
Analysis of Gentrification and Green Spaces in East Austin, Texas, Carly Fordyce
Evaluation of Carbon Isotopic Chemostratigraphy of the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah, Clayton Forster
Changes of Winter Severity in Arkansas during 1901-2100, Christian Garcia
A Geochemical and Mineralogical Evaluation of the Mona Lisa Turquoise Mine, Polk County, Arkansas, Alexander Arai Goodsuhm
The Human Natural Resource Endowment of Limestone for Cement Manufacturing, Vanya Marie North
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Geospatial Analysis of Registered Sex Offenders: a case study from Pulaski County, Arkansas, Maggie Rose Bridges
Modeling the Lafourche Delta network in the Mississippi Delta Complex, Byong-Suk Chun
Geolocation of Monitoring Wells Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Joel DeYoung
Forced and Unforced Permafrost Changes in the Northern Hemisphere during 1901-2100, Hong Guo
Machine Learning Applied to a Modern-Pleistocene Petrographic Dataset: The Global Prediction of Sand Mineralogy (GloPrSM) Model, Isaac Johnson
Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Upper Mississippian Siltstone, Oklahoma and Arkansas, Linnea Johnson
A 60- Year Record of the Demotechnic Index of States, 1960-2019, Gavin James Kellough
Carbon-Isotope Chemostratigraphy and Fluvial Sedimentology of the Moenave Formation, Utah, Jordan Oefinger
Spatial Assessment of Urban Growth in Cities of the Decapolis; and the implications for modern cities, Wade A. Pierson
Machine Learning & Big Data Analyses for Wildfire & Air Pollution Incorporating GIS & Google Earth Engine, Abdullah Al Saim
The Morphodynamic Interaction of River Deltas and Their Marshes, Kelly M. Sanks
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Seismic Expressions of Paleokarst, Olanrewaju Ayodapo Aboaba
Multi-Proxy Provenance Evaluation of the Stevens Sandstone, San Joaquin Basin, California, Charles Adam Ball
Gentrification and Income Segregation in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Willie Benson
Comparative Geochemical Analysis of Ordovician and Mississippian Cherts in Relation to the Northern Arkansas and the Tri-State Mississippi Valley-type Ore Districts, Jonathan T. Chick
Landscapes of Danger: A Geospatial Analysis of Perceived and Realistic Risk in Bryce Canyon National Park, Tia Francis
A Spatial Analysis of Student Safety and Perception, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Casey Goodman
Environmental Influences on Tree-driven Karst Bedrock Physical Weathering, Cole Robert Jimerson
Far-Right Extremism in America: A Geospatial Analysis of Incident Distribution, Meredith LeAnn Lerma
Paleotectonic Investigation by Successive 3D Seismic Horizon Flattening in the Pennsylvanian Interval of Western Osage County, Oklahoma, Douglas Cooper McCabe
Spatial Analysis of Soil Creep Rates on Mount Sequoyah, Fayetteville Arkansas, Amy Suzanne Morris
Remote Sensing and GIS Study of Hazards and Risks in East Africa, Hafid Nanis
Effects of Terrestrial Weathering on Rare Earth Element Concentrations and Sulfur Isotopic Signatures of Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites, Ruby Virginia Patterson
Fayetteville and Imo Shales: Punctuated Upper Mississippian Shallowing Upward Sequence, Southern Ozark Region, Northern Arkansas, Joshua Stevens
Geospatial Analyses of Seismic Hazards and Risk Perception in Libya, Somaia Suwihli
Exploring Sediment Compaction in Experimental Deltas: Towards a Meso-Scale Understanding of Coastal Subsidence Patterns, Samuel Mason Zapp
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Suitability Assessment for Integrated Urban Development in Makkah City of Saudi Arabia, Mislat Alotaibi
Characterizing Hydrothermal System Groundwater Dynamics Using Conservative and Non-conservative Tracers: Insights and Implications Drawn from Study at the Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand) and Valles Caldera (USA), Joshua Michael Blackstock
Provenance and Maximum Depositional Age Analysis of the Moenave Formation using Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Sandstone Petrography, Asher Rea Boudreaux
Geochemical Analysis of Mississippian Cherts and Devonian-Mississippian Novaculites, Southern Midcontinent Region, Julie Mary Cains
The Structure and Dynamics of a River Delta are Related Through its Nourishment Area, Suggesting Optimality, Christopher A. Cathcart
Drug Trafficking, State Capacity, and the Post-Soviet Condition in the Kyrgyz Republic, Christopher George Cowan
Analysis and Conservation of Native Forests at Kessler Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas, Alan James Edmondson
The Effects of Geography and Proximity on Board of Directors: An Exponential Random Graphs Approach, Panagiotis Giannakis
Daily to Seasonal Moisture Signals Present in Sub-Annual Tree-Ring Data, Ian Howard
Spreadsheets-in-Space: A Quantitative Exploration of Movement, Currency Creation, and Conflict within EVE Online, Christopher Alan Pryor
The Effects of Urban Development and the Incidence of Flooding and Discharge Changes from 1956-2016: a case study from Juan Diaz Township, Republic of Panama, Virgilio De Jesus Quintero Rodriguez
Incorporating Recent Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints in Age Dating the Waters of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, Kristina Marie Raley
The Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks of the Ouachita Mountains and their Genetic Relationship to the Mississippi Valley-Type Mineralization in the Southern Ozark Region: Insights from Radiogenic Pb Isotopes and Trace Elements Studies, Christophe Wakamya Simbo
The Image from the Road: Towards Mapping the Phenomenological, Rachel Anna Smith Loerts
Stable Isotope and Geochemical Characterization of Nutrient Sources in the Big Creek Watershed of Northwest Arkansas, Kelly Robin Sokolosky
A Geospatial Analysis of Safety and Risk Perception in the Buffalo National River, Julie Nicole Terhune
Cool and Warm Season Climate Signals in Tree Rings from North America, Max Carl Arne Torbenson
The Shelf to Basin Transition and Tectonostratigraphy of the Atoka Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Arkoma Basin, Northwest Arkansas, Travis Gibson White
Improving Earthquake Disaster Models with Post-Event Data: Insights from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake, Bradley Steven Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Geospatial Study of the Drought Impact on Surface Water Reservoirs: Study Cases from Texas and California, Zachary Asbury
An Integrated Well Log and 3D Seismic Interpretation of Missourian Clinoforms, Osage County, Oklahoma, Abram Max Barker
Speleogenesis in Turbulent Flow, Max P. Cooper
Subsurface Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Lower Atoka Formation, Northern Arkoma Basin, Arkansas, William Stephen Denham
Towards Quantifying Relevant Land Cover Change: A Case Study in the Central Flyway of the Monarch Butterfly, Hanna Lenee Ford
Estimating Watershed Mercury Contribution to Lake Fort Smith State Park, Arkansas, USA, William Miles Harmon
Mapping Lower Austin Chalk Secondary Porosity Using Modern 3-D Seismic and Well Log Methods in Zavala County, Texas, David Kilcoyne
The Occurrence of the Greta Sandstone, Frio Formation (Late Oligocene), Texas Gulf Coastal Plain, Sean C. Kincade
Margaret White Springs Recharge Study, Buffalo National River, North-central Arkansas, USA, Ashlon Elizabeth Leonard
Subsurface Analysis of Mississippian Tripolitic Chert in Northwest Arkansas, Thomas Jason Liner