The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:
Category | online | |
Dissertations |
1953-2006 in MAIN 1950s-2012 in Special Collections |
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks 1950s - present indexed in ProQuest |
Master's theses |
1910s-2006 in MAIN 1910s-2012 in Special Collections |
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest 2012 - present in ScholarWorks Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006. |
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Quantifying Physical Function: Moving Towards A New Definition And Better Assessment, Anthony Campitelli
The Effect of Gentle Yoga on Average Daily Step Count, Francesca Dagrosa
Evaluating the Effects of a Noninvasive, Commercial-Grade Neurofeedback Technology and Mindfulness on Sleep Quality in Elite Athletes, Sydney Anne Hammit
Well-Being Behaviors and Outcomes in Arkansas Teachers: A Qualitative Analysis of Teachers in Arkansas During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Ashton Elizabeth Human
The Effects of Instructed Task Prioritization on Dual-Task Cost in Older Adults, Megan D. Jones
Systemic Effect of Organizational Capitals on Parent Commitment in Youth Soccer, Paul Kimbrough
Cancer Heterogeneity and Mitochondrial-Targeted Therapies in Cancer Cachexia, Francielly Morena Clark
Institutionalized Stigmas: HIV Stigma, Racism and Heterosexism Among Medical Students in The Southern United States, Krishen Samuel
Gym Sexual Harassment and Bystander Intervention: An Application of the Reasoned Action Approach, Eric Schisler
Locating Health Inequities: Understanding The Dynamic Role Of ‘Place’ in the Social Determinants of Health and Healthcare Accessibility, Abbie Sudduth Page
Partial Immersion Using Body Bags for Treating Exertional Hyperthermia, Diane Zashin
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Toward a Better Understanding of Social Network Site Engagement in Influencing Health Behaviors: An Examination of the Relationship Between Message Framing, Endorsement Cues, and User Engagement, Shawn ChunHsien Chiang
Non-Physical Abuse in Sports: Organizational Culture’s Role, Ian O'Rourke
The Relationship Between Upper Body Muscular Power and Objectively Measured Physical Function in Healthy Older Adults, Jordan Stroope
An Exploration of Saudi Women’s Experiences and Perceptions Towards Participation in Physical Activity and Sports in the United States, Ahmed H. Sumayli
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Examining the Effects of Oral Contraceptive Use on Thermoregulation, Whitley C. Atkins
Implementing an Exercise Referral Scheme for Promoting Physical Activity in University Mental Health Care, Bryce Daniels
The Complexities of Guilt, Shame, Stigma, and Substance Use among a Sample of United States Substance Using Adults, Nicole A. Doyle
The effects of physical function and genetics on cognition and blood biomarkers in individuals at-risk for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, Joshua Louis Gills
Sex Differences in Cancer Cachexia and a Novel Mitochondrial Target for Cancer-Induced Muscle Wasting, Seongkyun Lim
The Effects of Alcohol Intoxication and Threats to Masculinity on Engagement in Sexual Aggression: Results from a Web-Based Survey Design and Alcohol Administration Study, Tiffany Lynn Marcantonio
Predictors of Peak Elbow Valgus Torque in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers, Adam Richard Nebel
Growth Differentiation Factor 5 is a Paracrine Regulator of Sarcopenic Obesity, Landen W. Saling
Temporal Effects of Acute Moderate Intensity Physical Activity on Working Memory Performance in Young Adults, Kimberly Loy Seibold
Evaluating the Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level and Gender on Outcomes of the Buffalo Concussion Bike Test, Katie Stephenson
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Classroom Physical Activity Breaks Effect on Executive Function and Academic Achievement in Elementary School Students, Mark A. Bjornsen
Campus Mental Health Service Use Among Female Survivors of Sexual Violence: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Hannah Coffman
Stress Among NCAA Division II Head Coaches, Dee Gerlach
Role of Sex Differences on Cancer Cachexia Progression and Fibrosis during Cancer Cachexia Development, Wesley Haynie
Values and Success in Collegiate Athletics, Nathan Shelby Hutchens
Sex-Based Differences in ACVR2B and GRB10 Expression in Skeletal Muscle During Induced Cancer Cachexia and Disuse, Lauren Martinez
Substance Use and Psychological Distress Correlates of Sleep Quality Among College Students, Juanybeth Morales Ortega
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Preliminary Study: Leucine Supplementation Exacerbates Muscle Wasting Independent of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System, Katarina Bejarano
Buffer Zones and the Recreational Golf Sector: A Negligence Case Content Analysis, Natalie Bird
Visualizing Interdisciplinary Collaborations within Exercise Science: A Pilot Study, Elizabeth Bjornsen
HPV Vaccination in Females: The Role of Primary Health Care and Primary Health Care Providers, Brooke Bouza
The Effects of Group Fitness Classes on Self-Efficacy, Katherine Dalton
Relationship Marketing and Intercollegiate Sport Promotion, Alison Fridley
The Reliability and Validity of the 30-15 Intermittent Field Test with a Ball, Kathleen Paulsen
Mitochondrial Contributions to Disuse Atrophy: Let’s Talk about Sex, Megan Rosa-Caldwell
Effectiveness of Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga: Combating Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Sleep Quality., Kati Street
The role of Protein Degradation in Cancer Cachexia in Female Tumor Bearing Mice, Noah Thomas
Within-Person Variability of Internal and External Sexual Consent, Malachi Willis
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Comparison of Physical Intensity between Interactive Video Game Cycling and Conventional Stationary Cycling in Adolescents with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tariq Mohammed Alsoqairan
Validity and Reliability of a 5-minute Web-Camera Based Eye Tracking Test to Assess Visual Memory and Cognition, Emily Bates
Serum Myostatin and IGF-1 as Biomarkers of Sarcopenia: A Proof-of-Concept Design, Ashley Binns
Influence of Heating and Biological Sex on Vascular Dysfunction Associated with Long-Duration Sitting and Standing, Aaron Richard Caldwell
Comparative Plasma Proteomics in Muscle Atrophy Induced by Cancer Cachexia and Hindlimb Unloading, Kirsten Rene Dunlap
Older Adults’ Expectations, and Knowledge of Oral Health Issues: A Study of Arkansas Seniors, Virginia Marie Hardgraves
Development of a Text Message Stress Management Intervention and its Impact on Perceived Stress and Coping Self-efficacy among Student Nurses, Kristin Jaye Henderson
Assessing the Repeatability of Clinical Tests in People with and without Flexion-induced Neck Pain, Ashton Human
Shifting Abortion Attitudes using an Empathy-based Media Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Study, Mary Ellen Hunt
Female Perspectives on Mountain Biking, Rebecca Irvin
The Effect of Osmotic Stimulation of Copeptin on Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Adults, Lisa Tjorven Jansen
Volumetric Muscle Loss: The Role of Physical Activity and Autologous Repair on Force Recovery and Signaling Pathways, Richard Perry
The Acute Effect of Water Intake on Glucose Regulation in Low Drinkers, Adam David Seal
Validation of a 5-minute VPC Test to Assess and Compare Cognitively Intact Individuals and Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Spencer Smith
Barriers of African American Football Student-Athletes in Seeking Mental Health Services, Todd Andrew Wilkerson
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Disordered Eating Risk and Body Image Dissatisfaction of Division I Male and Female Cheerleaders, Christopher Blaszka
Survey of Hydration Knowledge and Behavior in Youth Mountain Bike Teams, Natasha Brand
Dehydration, Muscle Damage, and Exercise in the Heat: Impacts on Renal Stress, Thermoregulation, and Muscular Damage Recovery, Cory L. Butts
The Comparison of Using the Preferred or Non-Preferred Wrist When Measuring Physical Activity in College Students, Bryce Daniels
The Effectiveness of Using Video Modeling Techniques to Improve Motor Skills for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Atya Abdullah Hadadi
The Impact of Coaches' Character on Youth Basketball Players, Natasha Hill
Transformational Leadership in Club Sports: An Instrument for Evaluation and Assessment, Nathan Shelby Hutchens
Effect of a Skating Unit on Fitness in Fifth Grade Students, Eric Lange
Mitochondrial mRNA Translation is Required for Maintenance of Oxidative Capacity, David Lee
The Effect of Dehydration on Metabolism and Energy Substrate Utilization, Zachary Robert Lewis
Examining the Relationship Between State Anxiety and Vestibular and Ocular Motor Impairments and Symptoms in High School Athletes with Concussion, Mallory Kathleen McElroy
Effect of Sensory Stimulation in Physical Activity on Academic Achievement and Classroom Behavior in Elementary Students, Maryann Mitts
Examining the Appropriate Recovery Interval Following Maximal Exertion for Baseline Computerized Neurocognitive Testing (CNT), Samantha Mohler
The Impact of UPC Placement on the Biomechanical Injury Risk Factors Associated with Cashier Work, Marcus Payne
The Effect of Napping on Sleep Quality and Quantity in Healthy and Concussed Collegiate Athletes, Katie Stephenson-Brown
Body Composition, Muscular Performance, and Free Testosterone Following 12-Weeks of Protein Supplementation and Resistance Training in Men Aged 35-55, Matthew Steven Stone
Self-Perception of NCAA Division I Student-Athletes, Sean Strehlow
Determinants of Hydration in Children: The Role of Physical Activity and Parental Dietary Habits, Hyun-Gyu Suh
Pre-season Vitamin D and Iron Levels as a Predictor of Musculoskeletal Injury in Division I Athletes, Mariellen Katherine Veach
The Effect of Cellular Dehydration on Glucose Regulation in Lean and Obese Females, Chunbo Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effect of Blinded Hydration State on Thermoregulation and Performance in Male Cyclists, Jon David Adams
Attitudes of Students with and without Disabilities Toward Physical Education and Their Sports and Activities Preferences in Saudi Arabia, Zuhair Abdaladeem Al Salim
Examining Fear of Re-Injury in High School Athletes with Sport-Related Concussion, Melissa Nicole Anderson
Comparing Before-and After-School Neurocognitive Performance in High School Athletes- Implications for Concussion Management, Morgan Anderson
Effects of Upward Football Reclassification on Revenues, Football Attendance, and Enrollment, Charles Bell
RNA Sequencing in the Development of Cancer-Cachexia, Thomas Allen Blackwell
A Mixed-methods Study of Sexual Assault in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in the U.S., Sasha Nichole Canan
An Investigation of Sport Sponsorship Antecedents and Outcomes through Levels of Sponsor Prominence, Benjamin Colin Cork
The Effect of Floss Bands on Elbow Range of Motion in Tennis Players, Kenna Hodeaux
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Conative Loyalty in Collegiate Sports, Sunyoong Kim
Comparing Reaction Time and Postural Stabilization based on Activity Groups in Older Adults, Lauren Marie Merk
An Analysis of Scholarship Distribution by Division I Softball Coaches, Donovan James Nelson
Fall Risk in Sedentary, Recreationally Active, and Masters Athlete Older Adults, Felicia Elizabeth Squires