Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2015
Congestive Heart Failure Readmission Rates with Relation to Patient Compliance, Samantha Corral
Visceral space: dissection and Michelangelo's architecture, Chloe Costello
Methanogen Metabolism in the Presence of Iron Compounds: A Martian Environment Simulation, Monroe Phillip Cowan
Implementing dysphagia assessment in stroke patients: Hospital-based education quality improvement project, Renee Kortlynn Cristy
The Effect of Breakfast Protein Source on Postprandial Hunger and Glucose Response in Normal Weight and Overweight Young Women, Marie Christina Crowder
The Appeal of the "Shop Local" Initiative to the Millennial Generation, Elisha Cummins
The Future of Shrimp: Why Indoor Tank Farming Could Revolutionize the Industry, Nicole M. Daniels
Information Content of USDA Rice Reports and Price Reactions of Rice Futures, Jessica Darby
Parenting attitudes and stress levels among parents of children who are deaf, Elise Claire Davies
Polly Pocket & Ninja Turtles: A Content Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Children's Advertisements, Michele Bailey Deloney
Sensitivity Analysis of Dredge Fleet Scheduling, Kaitlin Denny
Electrocoagulation for sulfate removal, Gina Marie Densmore
The space between: a rhetorical analysis of space and how it functions within buffer zone discourse concerning reproductive healthcare, Skye de Saint Felix
Drive Plate Mass Polar Moment of Inertia in Stokeo Type Resonant Column Devices, Michael Ryan Deschenes
Alkali-silica reaction mitigation using high volume Class C fly ash, Sydney Marie Dickson
Characterization and Development of TSI Three-Dimensional Laser Doppler Velocimetry System, John Andrew Dominick
Effects of Heat Stress on Arterial Compliance in Smokers: A Pilot Study, Erin Dougherty
Does Corporate Inversion Lead to Tax Savings?, Nathan P. Downs
Kinder Morgan’s Master Limited Partnership Reorganization, Brett Doyel
Electrocoagulation for Sulfate Removal, Hailey Marie Dunsworth
Increased Microdialysis Recovery of Large Molecular Weight Analytes via Ultrafiltration, Michael C. Elkins
Radiative Cooling to the Night Sky, Alexander R. Enderlin
Community Development in Mozambique: Evaluating Impact Assessment Methodologies, Carol Ann Farmer
The Inclusion of Music Therapy in Speech-Language Interventions, Torry Farnell
Coreless Planar Transformer using Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics for Isolated Gate Driver Applications, Matthew W. Feurtado
Understanding Early Intervention Services for Hispanic Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Valeria Font Zorrilla
Cultivating dreams: examining community involvement and satisfaction in Fayetteville farms, Donna J. Freeman
GUI Matlab code to display damped, undamped, forced and unforced mass spring systems, Melanie Garcia
Synthesis of Medicinally Relevant Thiazolyl Aryl Ketones Under Mild Conditions, Danielle M. Gardner
How Women in Heian Japan Reflect and Alter Ancient China's Ideal Woman: The Warriors of Virtue, Zoe Nicole Gastineau
Student Organization Success: Developing a Business Plan for the University of Arkansas American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter, Candace Brooke Gooding
Female Integration in Terrorist Groups, Ayana Lilllian Gray
Modeling Information Reliability and Maintenance: A Systematic Literature Review, Daysi A. Guerra Garcia
Evolutionary analysis of the genomic region of FOXP3 in vertebrates, Ethan G. Guffey
Safe Sleep Education and Staff Compliance, Shayla M. Hadley
Impregnation and Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements on Amberlite XAD-7, Bobby G. Hampton
Using iPad applications to promote fluency in mathematics and improve attitudes toward studying, Kelly Harris
Method Assessment for Microalgae Quantification in Wastewater Treatment and Biofuel Production, Kristen S. Harrison
High and Dry: An Economic Analysis of Drug Use in Dry Counties, Shannon Harris
The Crystal Necklace, Haley Hawkins
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan And its Role in Middle Eastern Geopolitics, Elizabeth Heckmann
Fusion of short-mid wavelength infrared image and long wavelength image using discrete wavelet transform for image quality enhancement, Rocky Hedrick
Type 2 Diabetes related to chronic health disease, health status, and effect on quality of life, Smanatha M. Hieger
A Descriptive Study Examining Medical Records of Late-Preterm Infants Readmitted to the Hospital within 30 Days of Birth Hospitalization Discharge, Devon G. Hill-Larson
Examining the relationship between neurocognitive performance and functional fitness levels among older adults, Kristen J. Holmes
Serum sodium levels and associated mortality rates and length of stay in surgical ICU patients, Morgan A. Homoky
Development of the Sonata, Christine Annie Hsu
Additional Sex Combs-Like 2 (ASXL2): a Psychological Stress-related Gene in a Chicken Stress Model, Emily Sandra Jacobson
Simulation Analysis on Alternatives to Accelerate the Passenger Flow in Security Checkpoints, Maria Luisa Janer Rubio
Validation of the Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer as a method to assess muscular power, Emily Janssen
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Force-Controlled Nanoindentation, Keaton Jaramillo
Comparison of low-temperature co-fired ceramic and direct bonded copper for single ended primary inductance topology, Kristopher Cody Johnson
Assessing the Need for a New Oral Care Protocol in the Non-ventilated Patient Population, Talia J. Johnson
Comparison of Microwear on Rodent Molars from Differing Species and a Wide Range of Environments, Mikko Joiner
Assessment of stabilization and muscle recruitment in amputees following sit-to-stand transfer, Elizabeth Terran Jones
Monitoring the Effects of MMP Inhibitors on Extracellular Matrix Degradation for use in Implant Protection, Jake D. Jones
Nutrient competition between algae and Juncus effusus in the Lake Fayetteville Artificial Wetland, Toryn D. Jones
Phase field modeling and simulation of dendritic growth with varying latent heat and seeding distributions, Jordan W. Key
Labor Force Commute Mode Preferences and the Natural Environment, Brandon Killen
The Effects of Gender Differences in Networking on Pay Equity and Leadership Opportunities, Mackenzie L. Kiser
Eroticism in Theognis, Josh C. Koerner
Using Genetic Learning in Weight-Based Game AI, Dylan Anthony Kordsmeier
Investigating Disparities in Behavior and Care Between Alaska Native and White Victims of Sexual Violence: The Importance of Culturally Competent Nursing Care, Elizabeth Danielle Koster
Skin-to-skin education for operating room staff, Ann Callie Landwehr
Maintaining a way of life: trials and tribulations of farmers market families, Megan M. Lankford
Electrocoagulation for sulfate removal, Michael A. Layton
Regulating the Public Health—How Policy Stances are Influenced by Personal Behavior, Liberty, Ideology and More, Robert D. Lee
Assessment of Basic Concept Knowledge of Children from Differing Socio-Economic Status Homes, Kirbee E. Lester
Determining a discernable pattern in intensive care unit and coronary care unit readmissions: a quality improvement project, Jade Angelea Letbetter
Destination Marketing Organizations' Stakeholders and Best Practices, Bonifacio Lopez Torres
The investigation of chitosan-based hydrogels for intratumoral delivery of immunotherapeutic cytokines, Ethan Drew Lowry
Provincial pestilence: Marseilles, Provence, and the last outbreak of plague in Western Europe, Katherine London Lundstrum
Fluorescent Imaging on a Microfluidics Chip for Quantification of Leukocyte Count, Aneeka Majid
Industrial Energy Consumption, Benchmarking, and Analysis in the United States, Daniel Maldonado
Antimicrobial effects of pine essential oil against Listeria monocytogenes, Elizabeth Louise Marhefka
Developing double mutant Arabidopsis plants deficient in fatty acid desaturase 7 and a salicylic acid pathway regulator, NPR1-1, Alexys Marrufo
Ultrasonic HogUAnauts WERC Task 2: Separation of Oil from Water, Jesus Eduardo Martinez
How Classical Saxophone Music influenced by Jazz, Alfredo Alexander Maruri
CLA-Rich Soy Oil Shortening, Chocolate Paste, and Chocolate Bar Production and Characterization, Elizabeth Sarah Mayfield
A Soldier in the Dark: Navigating Gaul through the Eyes of Caesar and His Men, Thomas Christian McMahon
Exploring the Fantasy World of Internet Gambling, Bobby Philip Meek
Design of Integrated Current Reference Circuits for a 180-nanometer BICMOS Silicon Process, Timothy Max Megee
Social network site usage, privacy concerns, and disclosure of autobiographical memories, Zachary L. Mensch
Characterization of Novel Chitosan/Polyelectrolyte Nanoparticles, Michaela Wynne Mertz
Use of endocrine and immune responses as predictors of bull sperm motility, Lydia Mitchener
Evapoporometry: An Effective Analytical Technique for Membrane Pore Size Characterization of Hollow Fiber Membranes, Alex J. Moix
How threats to masculinity affect social drinking in men, John Joseph Molinaro
Leadership in Food Policy: Raising a Foodie Part II, Kathryn Amy Moorehead
Fast Food Industry Ethics: Can Employee's Ethical Awareness Be Improved?, Joanna L. Moore
The Rates of Mothers Who Continually Breastfeed After Implemented Breastfeeding Teaching, Katherine L. Moore
A study on the BE2100 Noninvasive Biomass Sensor as an instrument for measuring optical density during fed-batch fermentation at various stir rates, Hannah Moreland
Comparing Before-and After-School Neurocognitive Performance in High School Athletes: Implications for Concussion Management, Anderson Morgan
The role of women in film: Supporting the men -- An analysis of how culture influences the changing discourse on gender representations in film, Jocelyn Nichole Murphy
Hypohydration and Glucose Regulation in Adult Males with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Weldon Murry
Percent Recovery of Various Analytes Using a Wick Method, Patrick A. Naeger
WIP, Armon Nayeraini
Efforts in increasing Microdialysis recovery rates by utilizing bidirectional flow capabilites, Jacob Taylor Needham