Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2025
Experiential Advertising: The Immersive Evolution of Marketing, Julianna Ferguson
Morphology of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in Arkansas, Robert LaRoche
Lora Test, Lora Lennertz
Minimizing Uncovered Triples: An Integer Programming Approach to College Football Conference Scheduling, Caleb Mallett
Parental Perceptions of Child Life Specialists, Anna Muccio
Do Readers Keep Track of Protagonist Identity in Narratives?, Sophia Skrivanos
Theses from 2024
Financial Literacy for Life: Mandating Financial Literacy in the Classroom, Avery Alford
Exploring Mid-Level Teacher Use of Behavior-Specific Praise and General Praise, Catherine Anderson
Cyanoacrylate deposition onto sebum with pretreatment of amine, Isaac Baltz
Do Heat Waves Drive Natural Selection in Damselflies?, Adam Baranyk
The Swift Effect: How Popstar Taylor Swift has Brought Business and Viewership to the National Football League, McKenna Baron
Analyzing the Supply-Side Dynamics of Affordable Housing in the United States, Evan Lee Bartlett
The Economics Behind the Legalization of Sports Gambling and Financial Market Relations, John Bassham
A Comprehensive Analysis of Training Induced Heat-Related Injuries at Fort Moore, Anthony Beger
An Empirical Study on the Capability of Large Language Models in Learning Causality, Joseph Bergin
Crossing Borders and Breaking Barriers: A Strategic Analysis of Chick-fil-A's Expansion into the French Market, Avery Besson
Creating Cultural Competency Curriculum: How Diverse are Your Jellybeans?, Noah Boggs Riley
Body as Instrument: Crafting a Spatial Representational Language for the Dancer's Body, Avery Boland
Leveraging P4 Programmable-Hardware Switches for In-Network PMU Packet Recovery, Evan Michael Bonar
The Shocking Future of Artificial Intelligence Across a Variety of Industries, Collin Elek Boone
Storybooks as a Vehicle for Agricultural Education, Brooke Bradford
Improving Fertility: Evaluating the Addition of Prednisone to Enhance the Effectiveness of Clomid and Femara in Anovulatory Patients., Jeffrey Bradford
Sequential Optimization for Stressor-Informed Test Planning Through Integration of Experimental and Simulated Data, Jacob Brecheisen
2023 Community Bank Case Study Competition, Alivia Brewer
On Distortion of Surface Groups in Right-Angled Artin Groups, Lucas Bridges
Investigation into the Effect of Mixture Composition on Setting Time of Magnesium Phosphate Cement, Autumn Broglen
Rice Biomass Response to Various Phosphorus Fertilizers in a Phosphorus-deficient Soil Under Simulated Furrow-irrigation, Jonathan B. Brye
Influence of Fashion Involvement and Product Presentation on Consumers’ Online Impulse Buying, Sydney Buford
Surveys Assessing Food Security and Willingness to Buy Dairy Products in Mauritius Conducted Summer 2022, Abigail Burch
Evaluating Tissue Morphology in the Context of Varied Initial Fabrication Conditions, Cassidy Caffin
The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities During Undergraduate Education, Katherine Calandro
Storytelling for Social Change: Using Victim Narratives from Social Media to Disrupt Rape Myth Acceptance among College Students, Grace Carmack
Supply Chain Management Internship Thesis – The Mercery, Katherine Chamberlin
Archaic Burials in the Necropolis of Aigai and the Manufacturing of Significance in Archaeology, Abigail Chapman
The Effect of Hormonal Contraceptive Use on Dominance and Prestige Tactics, Carson Chappell
The Effects of Short-term Rentals on Communities and How to Legislate Them: An Expanded Literary Review, William Cherry
A Girls Guide to Study Abroad, Emily Childress
The Quantitative Analysis and Visualization of NFL Passing Routes, Sandeep Chitturi
Evaluating Passive and Assertive Secularism: A Comparative Study of France and Sweden, Odessa Clear
Utilizing Horizontal Integration for Expansion and Resource Optimization: A Comprehensive Business Plan for CC Furniture Shipments, Connor Long Clinton
The impact of 16 weeks of protein and omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on appetite regulation in postmenopausal women., Annjeanette Coambes
Presidential Nomination Forecasting 2024: Classic Components in an Atypical Race, Sophia Coco
Examining the Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Hormonal Contraceptive Use on Women's Sleep, Charles Ethan Coombs
A Meta-Analysis for Laboratory Diagnostics for Coccidioidomycosis, Mary C. Cowen
Influence of Narrative on Interior Architectural Film Visualizations: A Case Study of DUNE, Tatem Criner
Small and Mighty: An Analysis of Foundational Aspects of Small Family Firms and Their Corporate Social Responsibility, Ashlyn Crosby
Innovation Unveiled: The Power of Innovative Experiences on Undergraduate Development, Alexander Cummings
Respiratory Illnesses in Women and Children from Ghana: Problem Identification and Intervention, Stephanie Dale
Parallel Development: analyzing the relationship between active transportation planners and real estate developers in Northwest Arkansas, Jared Davenport
Thematic Mapping of Apidae Holdings Within the University of Arkansas Arthropod Museum, Baylie Lenora Day
Implementing a Dairy Industry in Mauritius, Lainey Deitrick
The Effect of Contemporary Art on Fashion in Generation Z, Hayden Dewey and Hayden Claire Dewey
Pain Management in Individuals with Flat Feet Using the FootCore MAX, Avery G. Dilley
Comparative Analysis of Command Protocols for CubeSat Data Handling Systems, Roman Dowling
Immigration, Sanctuary Counties, and Crime: A Safety Net for Vulnerable Populations?, Carson Duca
White Hall Green Roof Proposal, Hope Dwyer
Heuristic Expectations of the Cinderella Effect as a Function of Sexual Dimorphism in Men's Facial Structures, Lindsey Eagan
Automatic Extraction of Vulnerability Information for Security Operators Using GPT Models, Waeland Elder
Houses Built for Gods: Articulations of Urban Hokora in Kyoto, Steele Engelmann
Lucy Through the Years -- Temporal Trends in the Australopithecus Dentition, Olivia Ervin
Effects of Nonpharmacological and Pharmacological Interventions on the Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Ellington Fagg
Accounting and Finance Internship Thesis, Peyton Fair
A Photo-Elicitation of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Costume Tradition and an Exploration of the Impact this Tradition has on the Identity of Participants, Celeste Falgoust
Social Selling: My Experiences Through an Internship with Outside Life, Zariah Farris
The Extreme Rise of the Fast Fashion Industry from Country to Country: Does Consumer Behavior Differ Cross Culturally Regarding Fast Fashion between The United States and European Countries?, Madison R. Feuerbacher
Optimization of Collagen and Cell Concentrations for Engineered Tissues, Avery Fiser
Assessing Teachers’ Dispositions Towards Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Northwest Arkansas High Schools, Rylie Ford
Graphene-Based Antennas Utilizing Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Substrates for Attenuation, Josef Frankhouse
Comparative Analysis of Sensory Attributes, Acceptance, and Evoked-Emotions between Gluten-Free and Gluten-Containing Cookie Products, Shaelyn Frauenhoffer
Providing Proteins to Belizean Residents Through Poultry Products, Ellis Freel
Understanding Student Career Preferences through the Perspective of a Personality Test, Chloee Gallamore
Computational Predictions of Heart Failure Drug Effects on Cardiac Fibrosis, Aaron Gardner
Investigating the Relation Between Family Income and Barriers for Black Caregivers of Autistic Children, Leah Gelfand
Biomass Derived Lignin Polymer Modification for Sustainable Chemical Engineering Applications, Samantha Glidewell and Keisha Walters
Comparing North American Professional Sports League Season Formats using Monte Carlo Simulation, Lathan Gregg
Evaluating the Effect of Garden-Based Education on Young Learners’ Preferences for and Willingness to Try Healthy Food, Sierra Gregory
Beyond the Bedroom Door: Investigating Representations of Sex in Young Adult Literature, Amelia Gutche
Examining Award Compliance to Inform Resource Allocation, Jacob Haarala
Exploring Trauma in the Writing of Incarcerated Women, Madeline Hagedorn
Towards Sustainable Architecture: Exploring the Potential for Mold Making in Cob Building, Sarah Halldorson
Using Empathy to Shift Climate Change Attitudes., Carson Haller
Utilizing Biomimicry to Design Sustainable Architecture, Virginia Hammond
An Experimental Test of Mental Health Help-Seeking Intentions as a Function of Demographics and Disorder Type, Alyssa Hartley
Effect of Progesterone on Cognition Among College Aged Women, Katelyn Helberg
Hogs for a Cause: Art as a Medium for Community Engagement, Jaden Hendrix
Privacy Protection in Mobile Photography with Face Cloaking, Rithyka Heng
Workplace Wellness, Hannah Holder
Examining the Relationship Between Manning's Roughness Coefficient and Stage, Henry Holtkamp
CIGNN: Community-induced Graph Neural Networks, Shi Yin Hong
The Effect of Vitamin B12 on Breast Tumor Innervation, Hailey Hoog
Supply Chain Management Internship – Tyson Foods Inc., Burke Hoover
Functional Stereotyping of Women’s Self-Objectification as a Function of Life History and Body Fat, Vienne Howay
Fast Fashion, Luxury Fashion, and Their Sustainability Efforts, Danielle L. Illum
Analyzing Rural Public Libraries in Northwest Arkansas, Eden Isbell