Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2024
The Impact of Hospital Protocol for Severe Alcohol Use Disorder, Meredith Jones
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Autonomous Drone Navigation, Joshua Jowers
A Study of Varying Dielectric Constant and Thickness of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Devices and their Subsequent Plasma Actuation, Sharon Kardasz
2023 Community Bank Case Study Competition, Joseph Kelly
Amendment 80 and the Effects on Arkansas Supreme Court Elections, Sydney Kincaid
Establishing an Objective, Quantifiable Method for Detecting Erosive Tooth Wear, Camille Kita
Survival of Methanogens Desiccated on Mars Soil Simulants: Implications for Life on Mars, Lanee Knight
Reaping What You Subsidize: A Comprehensive Review of Outcomes from Crop Subsidies in the United States, Sawyer J. Knox
Effect of Swirl Ratio on Simulated VorTECH Chamber Vortex Parameters, Samuel Kolar
The Creation of Intergenerational Playspaces, Avery Lake
Decoding Generation Z: A Perceptions Content Analysis, Olivia Larson
How Engaged Are Infants and Toddlers While Picture Book Reading?, Zoe Lawless
Development of Woven Blouses for Women Living Flat, Ailish Leahy
School Readiness Social Questions and Generalization to NET Using AAC Devices for Early Childhood Students with Autism, Madison Leighr
Screening for potential swine-origin probiotics with antimicrobial activities, Christina Lim
Internship Experience at Dannah Investment Group, LLC, Isabelle Linkous
Growth Of Methanogens on Kaolinite, A Clay That Has Been Identified on Mars, Hailey Littrell
Supply Chain Management Internship – J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Garrett Locknar
20 Years in the Making: Do Executive Compensation Clawback Policies Have Claws?, Brielle Mackinnon
The Implications of NIL Collectives on College Baseball, Matthew Magre
Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry: The Benefits and Effects on Corporations, Carlie Malone
Thermal Buffer Characterization of PCM on High Current SiC Solid-State Circuit Breakers, Cade Marcinkovich
Flow Characterization with Acoustic Emission Sensing, Jackson Marsh
Modeling Sex-Specific Changes in Myocardial Fibrosis, Grace Martin
Economic Anomalies Following the Handover of Hong Kong, Nathan Martin
Tools for Understanding the Significance of Yeast as a Model for Parkinson’s Disease, Madeline Mathews
Empowering Ugandan Women Smallholder Farmers: Documenting Her Mighty Hands Agriculture Extension Nonprofit, Anna Mathis
Unveiling the Influence: Corporate Lobbying and the American Diet, Annaleigh Mattingly
Moisture Sorption and Quality Characteristics of Instant Rice, Anna Mays and Griffiths Atungulu
Short-Term Rentals and its Impact on Housing Attainability and Availability in Branson, Missouri, and Fayetteville, Arkansas, Sophie McAdara
Atmospheric Deposition Trends are Primarily Decreasing in Arkansas and Tennessee, Anna McCarty
Influences of Social Media on Nutrition Perceptions and Body Image Among Female College Students: A study of Health Impacts and Behavioral Responses, Kerri McClanahan
Spatiotemporal Negative Inventory Outlier Decomposition for Supply Chain Applications in Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG), Hayden McDonald
The Effect of Common Road Salts and Organic Additives on Microbial Respiration in Urban Streams, Claire Meara
Characterization of Mitochondrial Morphology in Drosophila: Early Embryogenesis Description via Confocal Microscopy, Kendall Miller
Hospitality Highway Career Fair: An Exploratory Study, Lilly Miller
NWA For The Nations: A Marketing Plan to Glorify Jesus in Every People in the World, Logan Miller
Enhancing Audit Quality through Artificial Intelligence: An External Auditing Perspective, Jonah Mitan
Investigating Autonomous Ground Vehicles for Weed Elimination, Abraham Mitchell
Intellectual Property Rights: Examining Outdated Laws, Monopolies, Manipulation, and the Need for Modernization, Maggie Moles
A Triadic View of Name, Image, and Likeness from the point of Athletes, Universities, and Consumers of college athletics, William Monroe
Development of a Manifold Microchannel Heat Sink for the Electrification of Aircraft, Joshua Mora Sanchez
Employing Natural Language Processing to Link Customer Survey Feedback with Net Promoter Scores, Gerardo Moreno
E-Commerce Internship at CoreTrex, Noah Mrok
Quantifying Lock Criticality for Inland Waterway Navigation Using An Agent-based Simulation, Ashwin Narayan
Exploring Decentralized Computing Using Solid and IPFS for Social Media Applications, Pranav Balasubramanian Natarajan
Enhancing Memory Through Literary Features, Sarah Naylor
Detection of Hypoxia via RGB Imaging, Nathania Nischal
Site Position, Tillage, and Soil Depth Effects on Soil Properties in a Furrow-irrigated Rice Field on a Silt-loam Soil, Hannah Nobles, Kristofor Brye, and Diego Della Lunga
An In-Network Approach for PMU Missing Data Recovery with Data Plane Programmability, Jack Norris
Empowering Community Leaders to Drive Sustainable Tourism and Small Business Development in Dangriga, Belize, Philip Nunez
Imperfect Mobility: Analyzing the Waffen SS as a Means of Social Mobility in Nazi Germany, Jacob O'Bannon
Enhancing Visitor Experience through Marketing for the Mayflower Bocawina National Park, Samantha O'Flaherty
Antillia, Kelsie Ogden
Functional Biases Toward Formidable Men in Legal Domains, Bridget O'Neil and Mitch Brown
Community Development in Stann Creek, Belize, Connor O'Neill
LGBTQ+ Spaces in Rural Arkansas that Accommodate and Advocate for Queer Existence, Lacey Oxford
Through Undertale to Interactive Storytelling: The Effect of Game Design on Secondary Students’ Perceptions of Creative Writing, Terrell Page Jr.
We Who Are Not as Others: Costuming the Godspell Ensemble as Historical Circus Performers, Anderson Palmer
Analyzing the Marketing Strategies of Cattle Farmers in Arkansas, Molly Parker, Michael Popp, and James Mitchell
What Impact did the TCJA Tax Cuts Have on the Manufacturing Sector?, Ryan Parker
The Importance of Text Representation for Neural Networks through Natural Language Processing Techniques, William Parsley
Quantifying Marketing Lifts to Create a Data-Driven Model: Walmart Merchandising Operations Internship, Susannah Patton
Mate Guarding Against Strong Men Displaying Affiliative and Aggressive Humor, Jacob Pauley
Social Influences on Quitting E-Cigarette Use: A Mixed Method Analysis, Olivia Peterson and Page Dobbs
Development and Simulation of a Damage Assessment and Recovery Method for Critical Database Systems, Anthony Pham
Integrating Galectin-3 Into a Computational Model of Cardiac Fibrosis Progression, Adam Pieratt
The Black Press and Late Imperial Russia, Benjamin Pierce
CAM and Design for Manufacturing: Developing a Project-Based Learning Course, Stephen Pierson
How Did the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Effect Small Businesses?, Jackson Pittman
Transcriptomic Profiling of Engineered Human Gene Integration in The Mouse Genome Following In Vitro Gene Editing, Ethan Potts, Made Harumi Padmaswari, and Christopher Nelson
On Weak Solutions and the Navier-Stokes Equations, Aryan Prabhudesai
Understanding the Impact of Food Insecurity Among First Generation College Students on the University of Arkansas Campus, Madison Price
Reimagining the Grocery Shopping Experience, Isabel Provisor Lemery
Genocide Dressed in Jeans: Does Sharing a Narrative About the Uyghur Population Alter Opinions about Fast Fashion, Danya Radhi
The Relationship between Chute Behavior and Morbidity in Cattle, Andrea Rankin
Model-Based Comparison of Biological Organism and Electro-Mechanical System Resiliency Strategies, Nicholas Ratycz
Examining the Impact of Customer RFP Characteristics on Award Compliance, Laasya Ravipati
Investigating the Integration of Demand Distribution Modeling in Supply Chain Simulation, Marshal Ray
International Special Projects Internship--Mauritius, Jace Reese
Gender Equality Threatened: A Digital Communication Analysis of Spanish Right-Wing Political Parties, Daisy Rehbock
Financial Consulting Internship in Valencia: Alternative Investments and AI, Mason Sidney Rike
Citizens’ Perceptions of Wetlands Before and During the Restoration of a Local Wetland, Delaney Ringgold
Through the Gendered Language Glass: How Gendered Language Shapes Mental Representations of Gender and Why it Matters, Emily Roberts
Factors Affecting Graduation with Honors: A Case Study in Bumpers College, Timothy Dalton Roberts
The Politics of Gender Affirming Healthcare: A New Battleground for Morality Policy?, Reaves Robinson
A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Violent Crime in Little Rock, Arkansas from 1999-2022, Nicole Rogers
The Rise and Fall of a Video Game Dynasty and Its Road Back to Glory, Kade Rogerson
Moving Forward: Automating a Walmart Executive View from Existing Manual Financial Systems, Alexandra Rosen
Examining how Agricultural Education Programs Place Student Teaching Interns in School Based Programs, McKenna Sairls
An Exploration of Procedural Methods in Game level design, Hector Salinas
Exposing the Conflicting Cultural Narratives of Downtown Springdale, Jennifer Sandoval-Salinas