Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2023
Letter-Sound Correspondence Intervention with Students with ASD, Sarah Hoemann
Postpartum Visitation Policies, Jenna B. Holderman and Morgan E. Matthews
Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Large Area Liquid Metal Gallium-indium Electrocatalysts, Thomas Hollis
Adolescent Perception of Different Conspiracy-Like Scenarios, Christine Honn
Automated Segmentation of Autofluorescence Lifetime Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Nicole Hooten
Existentialism and Creative Practice, Catherine Hudgens
Reducing Maintenance Supervisor Overtime in Aviation, Michael J. Hulke
Detecting Pathobiomes Using Machine Learning, Valerie Jackson and Valerie Jackson
Studies in the Ancient Israelite Cult of Dead Kin, Joshua Jacobs
Breastfeeding in Public: A Review of Literature and Service Learning Experience, Taylor Jehlik and Makenzie Carney
Comprehensive long- and short- read sequencing approaches to screen the mutational landscape after therapeutic CRISPR-editing for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Mary Jia, Made Harumi Padmaswari, Landon Burcham, Shilpi Agrawal, Alexis Ivy, Abbey Bryan, and Christopher E. Nelson
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts among Healthcare Providers and Systems in the United States, Peyton Jobe
Tiny Tusk Internship: Barriers to Effective Breastfeeding within Low Socioeconomic Populations, Catherine Johnson
Exploring Social Media Sentiment Analysis in Relation to Common Stock, Landon Johnson
College Girl's Guide to Fayetteville, AR, Sydney Johnson
The Impact of the Corporate Workspace on Employee Happiness and Turnover Rate, Sarah Ayla Johnston
Hershey/Walmart Internship Halloween Candy Assortment Proposal, Jackson Jones
Estimating Toxic Load from Finite-Duration Contaminant Releases in Wind Tunnel Experiments, Patrick B. Jones
Automated Visualization Pipeline for Near Real-time Risk Management System, Paris Joslin
Expression, Characterization, and Investigation of the Thermal Stability of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) 19, Ridhikaanth Kalaiselvan
Chicken Keypoint Estimation, Rohit Kala
Expanding Volunteer Program Effectiveness in Refugee Resettlement, Julianna Kantner
Someday I Will Change the World: Creating Youth Change Agents through Leadership Training, Colin Keady
Sequence Analysis of Herbicide Target Genes in Herbicide-Tolerant Rice, Jonathan Kearney, Nilda R. Burgos, and Gulab D. Rangani
Internship Experience at Accenture, Drew Keatts
Development of a Computational Model to Investigate Pathways and the Effects of Treatment in Fanconi Anemia, Sabrina Kellett
A Survey and Comparative Study on Vulnerability Scanning Tools, Cassidy Khounborine
Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of the Alcohol Industry, Amanda Kidd
Investigating the Impact of International Education on Cultural Understanding, Health Disparities and Collaboration through Project-Based Learning, Breanna Kilgore
Autonomous Portfolio Management Using Deep Learning, Jack Kincannon
The Bridal Industry: Body Image and Sizing Charts, Natalie Knapp
Internship Thesis - Happy Egg Co., Annelise Koster
Generating an Alternative Thesis Pathway: Critical Reflection of Coursework and Internships, Kendele Kramer
A Review of Adolescent Resiliency and its Impact on Sexual Health Information and Behavior, Elizabeth Krusing
Name, Image, and Likeness in College Athletics, Kinsey Landry
Lignin Copolymer Property Prediction Using Machine Learning, Collin Larsen
Boutique Staffing Firm Internship: How AI is Changing the Staffing Industry, Garrett Larsen
Challenges and Recommendations for Disaster Response for the Medical Supply Chain: A Case Study of Hurricane Laura, Anna Catron Lee
Reverse Engineering Post-Quantum Cryptography Schemes to Find Rowhammer Exploits, Sam Lefforge
Thermal Resistance Characterization of High-Voltage SiC Power Module, Landon Lemmons
ADHD in Classroom Design, Conley Lents
Cost of Capitol: Analyzing Congressional Insider Trading Regulation, Hannah Levy
Preserving User Data Privacy through the Development of an Android Solid Library, Alexandria Lim
Batson v. Kentucky Guidelines and the Use of Peremptory Challenges in Arkansas Courts: A Case Study, Abigail Lindsey
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative’s Benefits, Effectiveness, and Relevance to Internship at a Women’s Hospital, Katherine Locke
The Ethical Implications of the Multi-Level Marketing Industry, Lauren Longworth
Determining the effectiveness of rosemary essential oil on the shelf life of ground beef under different lighting conditions, Jordan Looper
Solar Grazing as a Possible Vegetation Management Solution: A Budget Analysis, Byron Louk
The Acts of John Steinbeck: Medievalist – A Dive into John Steinbeck’s Adaptation of Thomas Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur., Timothy Luft Jr.
Developing Detection and Mapping of Roads within Various Forms of Media Using OpenCV, Jordan C. Lyle
The Opportunities and Challenges of Automation: Insights from an Internship Experience at UltraSource LLC, Olivia Madden
Effect of Mating on Male Choosiness in Bicyclus anynana, Ellie Hope Magera
Crossing Digital Borders: An Exploration of Changes in Exposure and Perceptions of Other Cultures via Social Media Platforms, Madison Mahoney
Phenotypic and Quality Assessments of Continuously Expanded Human Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Multiple Donors, Vitali Maldonado
Fixed Assets Accounting: How It Can Impact Employees, Auditors & Shareholders, Zach Markey
Creating Adaptive Clothing for Dialysis Patients, Lilli Martin
The South in Young Adult Literature: Behind Southern Stereotypes, Margaret Martin
Income Inequality and Economic Growth: An Analysis, Nicholas Martin
I Pledge Allegiance: Language, Information, and how the American Far-Right Forms its Identity, Joshua Marvine
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQIA+) Health Disparities in Sexual Health and Sexual Education, Cole T. McBride
Updating of Protagonist Information in Narratives, Luke McClanahan
This Woman's Work: A comprehensive Analysis of the Domestic Workers who Swept the Shards of a Shattered Glass Ceiling, Grier McClard
Examining Differences in Adult Attachment Across Varying Family Dynamics, Hannah Miller
Strategies for the Implementation of Supply Chain Internships: A Case of Meaningful Boundary Spanning Relationships, Derek Mitchell
Life-Tactics Business Plan, Tanvir Mondair
Women in Southern Politics: How the Southern Experience Shaped Two Contemporary Forces, Liza Montgomery
Creative Brief for Bliss Cupcake Cafe, Maggie Moore
Culture in the Spice Industry, Karla Moreno
Analyzing Energy Use from Arkansas Public School Buildings, Oscar Morton
Effects of Individual Differences on Influence of Expert Testimony, Peyton Mosman
Smart-Insect Monitoring System Integration and Interaction via AI Cloud Deployment and GPT, Ahmed Moustafa
"Hog Wild" Business Plan, Ethan Munk
The Role of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Improving Access to Professional Attendance at Birth in Indonesia, Kaitlin Murray
Studying the Stability of Collagen/Heparin Coatings to be Used in Cell Therapy Applications, Gavin Mussino
The Economic Impact and Effects of Learning a Second Language, Luke Newman
A Wheelchair-Bed Transfer Device for Patients with Limited Mobility, Malachie Nichols
Problematic Phone Use as an Emerging Risk to the Comorbidity of Social Anxiety and Depression, Haley O'Dwyer
Ireland v. United States: Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability Policies, Lauryn O'Grady
Beyond Boarders for First-Generation Students, Nayeli Ortiz
How the Finance Industry is Shaped by Technology – A Corporate Experience, Max Pabin
Effects of Sow Vocalization and Scent on complete blood cell count during early weaning period, Mason Paladino
Effects of Mechanosensitivity In Regulating Phenotypic Characteristics of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Neel H. Patel
Overcoming Challenges and Building Bridges: A Journey Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in Dangriga, Belize, Drew Patterson
Developing a Multi-Platform Application to Facilitate Internal Campus Hiring, Carissa Patton
Analysis on High Mass X-ray Binary Spectral Shape Dependence on Luminosity for NGC3310, Izabela Pavel
Examining the Effects of a Zoom Interview on Cortisol, Bennett Perkins
Navigating the Campus Labyrinth: A Guide for Internship Success, Ashley Peterson
The Connection Between Gen Z and Online Fast Fashion Media; Aiming to Create a Sustainable Future in Fashion., Rachel Peters
Trend of Women's Romantic and Platonic Sociality Across the Ovulatory and Luteal Phases of the Menstrual Cycle, Kaylee Phimmasene
Evaluating Snow and Ice Cover in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Zoe Pitman
“Let a hundred flowers bloom, to discard the old for the new.” The Building of the Modern Chinese Orchestra, Ema Plafcan
Design of an FGF-1-FGF-2 Heterodimer Variant with Enhanced Stability and Cell Proliferation Activity, Nicholas Alan Pohlman
An Analysis of the Housing Affordability Crisis: Private Equity or Legislation Issue, Jack Polk
Investigating the Effect of Pancreatic Cancer Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on Schwann Cell Activation, Isabel Powers
The Effects of Sound-Based Intervention on the Daily Performance of College-Aged Students, Claire Pribble
Social Entrepreneurship and its Impact on Women in Poverty., Allison Primm
The Connections among Worry, Sleep Hygiene, and Sleep Quality, Anna Quesada