Selected titles of Undergraduate honors thesis written prior to 2011 can be found in Special Collections.
Theses from 2024
An Exploration of Procedural Methods in Game level design, Hector Salinas
Exposing the Conflicting Cultural Narratives of Downtown Springdale, Jennifer Sandoval-Salinas
Investigation of K-2 Teachers' Self-Efficacy in One Rural School District, Crystal Schaefer
Photon Number and Waiting-time Distributions for Superposed Light States, Eric Seglem
An Analysis of Bank Willingness to Decrease Deposit Fees, Madison E. Settlage
Go Green or Go Viral?, Kimberly Silva-Nash
Low Noise Amplifier for 5GHz Wi-Fi Applications on 22nm, Harshdeep Singh
Concurrent Processing of Retail Data in Python to Optimize Runtime, Bobby Slavin
A Review and Analysis of General Aviation Instructional Accidents, Sydney Sommers
Open-Source Optimization for Green Last Mile Delivery and Other Applications, John Sooter
Business Plan for Seamless Custom Clothing Designs, Bella Steketee
Vice President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller and the Death of Liberal Republicanism, Anthony Sterba
Effects of Maternal Infant-Directed Sensory Cues on Early Weaned Piglet Behavior, Mattie Still
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution, Alexander Summers
Examining Young Adult E-Cigarette Users by Device Type: A Latent Class Analysis, Mufazzela Tabassum
Exploring Genomic Convergence for Adaptations to Freezing Environments in Polar Fish, Ethan Talley
The Value of Cryptocurrency in an Efficient Portfolio, Bryn Taylor
How Others Influence Our Identity: The Effects of Closeness, Self-Verification, Need Fulfillment, and Self-Disclosure, Lucie G. Taylor
Developing and Modernizing Small Businesses in Dangriga, Belize, Abby Teague
A Comprehensive Investigation of the Influence of Geometric Structure on the Shape Memory Performance of Nafion, Jade Thomas
A Comprehensive Investigation of the Influence of Geometric Structure on the Shape Memory Performance of Nafion, Jade Thomas
The Digital Pivot: Exploring Credit Card and E-Payment Utilization in Direct-to-Consumer U.S. Agriculture, Amanda Thomsen
Pineapple Express: The legality of introducing cannabis tourism to Arkansas, Chloe Tyner
Difference Between the Impact of Active Social Media Use and Passive Social Media Use on Adolescent Mental Health: An Expanded Literature Review, Lydia Underwood
Forya.AI Business Plan, landen usher
How Design Depicted in Film Contributes to the Evolution of Cultural Narratives, Catherine VanHoose
Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurite Outgrowth Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Repair: A Review, Adrienne Vaughan
Books as Bridges: Utilizing Multicultural Literature to Foster Connection, Representation, and Inclusivity in Student Education, Elizabeth Vega
Exploring Growth: A Multifaceted Approach to Development in the Stann Creek District of Belize, Brady A. Voss
Fast Fashion: Ethical Dilemmas and Suggestions for Change, Rachel Walden
Assessing Undergraduate Nonprofit Management Education Programs: Combining Industry and Student Perspectives, Benjamin Walworth
The Cognitive Implications of Literary Devices and Perspective-Taking on Reading Time, Amelia Ward
Women Rebuilding Their Lives Post Incarceration: The Obstacles of Housing and Employment, Sydney Ward
A Search for Pulsars and an Exploration of Dispersion Measure Within the Milky Way Galaxy, Emily Ware
The Impact of Authoritative Parenting Compared to Authoritarian and Permissive Styles on Long-Term Psychological and Behavioral Function of Offspring., Brooke Washington
Analyzing Food Sources and Food Insecurity of Kichwa Farming Families in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Reina Watanabe
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Early Life Adversity and their Effects on Chronic Health: A Literature Review, Ella Weatherford
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Air-Cooled Heat Sinks, Ethan Weems
Impact of Leadership in Project Management, Ian Wegh
Clinical Assessment of Erosive Tooth Wear Objective Outcome Measures, Elizabeth Wewers
My Roman Holiday: Marketing Abroad in the City of Rome, Emily Whitworth
Predicting True Attributes of Retailer Data, Abby Willard
Comparing the Social Skills of Male and Female Children with Autism Using FaceSay, Elijah Williams, Kimberly Frazier, and Cynthia A. Watson
Encapsulated 2D Materials and the Potential for 1D Electrical Contacts, Sarah Wittenburg
How Many Parents Regret Having Children?, Payton M. Wooster
The Analysis of Mechanical Exfoliation of Graphene for Various Fabrication and Automation Techniques, Lance Yarbrough
The Analysis of Mechanical Exfoliation of Graphene for Various Fabrication and Automation Techniques, Lance Yarbrough
Theses from 2023
Stability of Deposited Ruthenium Terpyridine Complexes on Glassy Carbon Electrodes, Joseph Abshier
Laboratory evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay to detect Coccidioides galactomannan antigens in serum samples, Anneliese Ahrens
Increasing Employee Retention and Satisfaction in a Post-COVID-19 World, Kaylen Aldridge
Optimizing Three-Dimensional Bioengineered Co-Cultures for the Study of Fibrotic Spinal Cord Injury, Sarah Aly
"The Intersection of Healthcare and Technology: Reflections and Impact from my Netsmart Internship”, Jacob Anderson
Generation Z's Perceptions of Sustainability in the Apparel and Textile Industry, Ashlee Andress
Study of the Stability of Heparin/Collagen Layer-By-Layer Coatings, Hector M. Apodaca Reyes
Design of a Hyperstable Endocrine Acting Fibroblast Growth Factot, Sara Armstrong
Food Marketing: The Adverse Effects of Food Advertisements and Media Messaging on Men, Women, and Children, Lindsay Arnolds
Understanding Eating Behaviors and the Factors that Affect Them in Caucasian and Ethnic Minority College Students, Warrenesha Arnold
Nexus, A Software as a Service Business Plan, David Ator
Investigating the Effect of Knowledge of Environmental Implications on Generation Z Vehicle Choice in Last Mile Delivery Service, Mitchelle Atungulu
Is Hindsight 20/20? Reconsidering Popular Perceptions of Civil War Surgeons, Miller Bacon
Photocatalytic Nanoparticle Treatment of Cyanotoxins in Harmful Algal Blooms, Brian Baird
Turmoil on the Mississippi River: Harnessing Green Infrastructure to Accommodate Drastically Changing Environmental Patterns, Edouard Ballett
Women and Religion in the Mongol Empire, Karlie Barnett
Subterraneans: A Regional Earth Dwelling for Comfort and Beauty, Isaak Benchoff
Outperforming the Stock Market Using Market Anomalies, Brett Bennett
Supply Chain Management Internship, Kendall Benson
Tactical Urbanism on a University Campus: A Case Study of Crossroads on Dickson, Noah Berg
The Study of Pine Bluff Low-Income Housing Opportunities: What is the Cost of Inaction?, Victoria Best
Innovations in Football Protective Headgear, Henry Bethel
Characterizing and Quantifying Shear-Induced Hemolysis in a Hollow Fiber Membrane System, Siddhi Bhat
Characterization of 2D Quantum Materials using AI and Large-scale Quantum Data Collection, Apoorva Bisht
Photon correlation measurements and Second Harmonic Generation Using Pulsed Lasers, Apoorva Bisht
A comparison of optical measurement methods for the growth of S. cerevisiae, Jackson Black
Customer Service and Logistics Internship at Colgate-Palmolive: Project Portfolio, Elizabeth Bolton
Comparing Allistic and Autistic Honors Students’ Perceived Barriers to Succeeding in Honors and Their Preferred Resources, Vivian Brantley
Analysis of a Federated Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Medical Image Data: Privacy and Performance Perspective, Julia Brixey
Identifying nocturnal pollinator diversity in apple orchards in Northwest Arkansas, Emily Brown
“Man, I Will Miss This Place”: An Ethnographic Account of Place-Making on Dickson Street Through Men’s Bathroom Graffiti, Ethan S. Brown
YALA Designs Marketing Strategy, Anna Buckley
Universal Computation Using Self-Assembling, Crisscross DNA Slats, Jackson S. Bullard
The use of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Bent DNA to Study DNA and Ion Interactions, Kaitlin Bullard
Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure Systems: Emulated Protection Relay, Mitchell Bylak
How LGBTQIA+ Citizenship Transcends the Nation- State Paradigm: An Argument for Supranational Queer Citizenship, Marcus Cantrell
WakeSurf NWA: A Surfing Entertainment Business Plan, Ethan Carney
Sneakerhead Culture: Consumers and their Ecological Consciousness, Maria Cervantes
Excitation Power Dependence of Blinking in Copper-Indium-Sulfide Quantum Dots, Nicholas Chambers
Longevity Bias, Ingroup Bias, and Culture: A Study in Modern Japan, Sophia Chier
Allegedly in Love: A Theatrical Production, Leah Christenson
A Walk-Through Corruption on Wall Street, Allison Ciocan